Addy, I will send you some seeds, no problem. Can you please PM me with your address, and a reminder for seeds for the tropical milkweed?
JB is right, monarch chrysalises do not over winter. Last year I had monarchs "hatching" when it was getting chilly. I hated to release them, but had 24 hours to let them go, so waited until the warmest part of the day, or on some days, the driest part if it was a rainy day. Last Sat. I released my last 3 of 21 that I raised this year. That's exactly half of what I raised and released last year, but I was glad to have that many, since it was a month later this year than last before I was consistently finding cats and eggs. My milkweed supply will multiply next year for sure! I have soooo many seeds of the tropical to share and still have plenty for myself. As I see pods open before I get to them, I grab them and put them down onto the soil in the wild flower area. We shall see if they grow on their own. Otherwise, I plan to grow about 10 jugs (winter sown style) as well. One jug is what I had this year, and that is what produced about 12 plants, I divided the jug (milk jug) into 3 clumps when I transplanted them.
JB, I was thinking some people were calling a tropical milkweed yellow, but I'll bet you are right, they were referring to what I call butterfly weed Hello Yellow. I got a plant of that this year, it bloomed nice, but no seed pods. All of my orange butterfly weed I grew from seed grew well, and most of those have seed pods. Still waiting to harvest them. The large orange BW that I dug from road ditch last year has several large seed pods.
Just harvested my first common milkweed seed pod, and am going to cut some of the others off and open them before they split on their own, as it's nearly impossible to harvest the seeds once the silky parts are "turned loose". What a mess! I have only a few people that want those seeds. I, for one, would say 100% go with the tropical type instead. It is prettier, blooms longer (mine are still blooming!!!), and had far more cats on them than the common this year. I guess my monarchs are getting picky on what they lay eggs on. LOL