I am just sick. First of all, last night, around 3:00 a.m. I was up and noticed the motion detector light was on (which is near the pond). I looked out the window closest to the light and saw a raccoon walking to the pond. And then I saw him get into the pond! I slipped on sandals and went outside with a broom as a weapon (weak, I know), but he was gone by the time I got there, thankfully. In the morning I went to the pond, which is 20 steps from my backdoor, and had a look. This raccoon destroyed the perimeter of the pond liner (in places) which I hadn't yet finished securing and hiding under stone. And interestingly and worse, possibly, the water level is again lower than the 4" deep shelf. I guess I do have a leak. We have been having light rain on and off all day and I can't tell which side the water is leaking from. I counted the fish and all are still there. I guess they knew to hunker down in the deep part. But I am afraid he is going to figure out how to get them. The eleven that are big enough to recognize by their markings all have names. But I love and am so proud of their little dark babies, too. I watched them swim around all day not knowing what I could do in the rain.