@ashirley Unfortunately, the KH alkalinity test kit is sold separately that is not sold in the typical API bundle kit.
Fish are all active and do not seem stressed other than begging for food which I was holding off on due to ammonia.
The fish appear fine. I lost one last week that I had freed from the skimmer a few days before and panicked.
@ashirley You are smart to hold off feeding for a few. With the size of your pond, I imagine your fish will find plenty of food from the insects, snails, algae, and other critters in your pond. Unless your pond is just crazy crowded with fish, except does not sound like it is.
I bet your fish are fine at the moment. The pH changes is a nuisance to them. Since Spring is cranking up, increasing some plant grow beds where pond water circulates through them or increasing plants in the pond would help stabilize things.
If you want to see what you can do about stabilizing your pH, then do a forum search for these terms: alkalinity, calcium carbonate, crushed oyster shells, baking soda.
Ponding with fish is fun, but, if you really want to get into it, then you will likely be approached by terms that will cause you to fall asleep.
Ya can still enjoy ponding without know much details, but just be prepared to net out a dead fish here and there... and... fish have a tendency to reproduce like crazy so you may just net out fish on occasion to control the population. Bright side is fish do wonders for the compost pile!