Hello TutleMommy, I love that name! I think before you decide on a pump you need to reconsider the size of your pond. 100 gal is not much water for a turtle. They get pretty big, and if you want fish besides, you're going to need much more water for them. Even a few Goldies will outgrow 100 gal in a short time. Once you have come up with a satisfactory volume of water for what you want in it, then decided on a pump. I've had very good luck with submersibles. I have one in a 2,000 gal system rated for 3,000 gph. It supplies a fountain, a waterfall, and a spring. In a 500 gal system I have a pump rated for 650gph. It drives an 18 inch waterfall. A prime advantgage to submersibles, especially in small areas, is that they are virtually invisible and take up no space outside of the pond itself.