I think im replying in the right place.
on these diagrams shouldn't the waterline in the filters be lower than the ponds waterline, how do you know how much lower to make it?
The water line in all of the chambers will essentially be the same once the system is functioning. There may be a slight difference in water height between the last chamber and the pond but it should never be more than negligible. A substantially lower level in the final chamber indicates that you have to large of a pump and the pond will eventually over flow.
also shouldn't sieve be before sediment chamber to get stuff out of water before it dissolves? and to people with sieves before their sediment tanks, do you find anything even in your sediment tanks if you have a sieve? if so what size is your microns?
No. The SC is for removing most of the larger suspended particle. Those finer particles that have not settled out are then removed by the sieve.
what is the "balance pipe" for
Ponders love to think up names for things. This is just a label put on the pipe connecting the various chambers/modules in a gravity-fed system.
why shut down the sieve in winter but keep the other stuff going?
Don't know where you read that but it the weather warrants shutting down the biofiltration because of freezing then the entire system should be shut down, sieve included.