My honey gets up around 1am, takes her out to pee, plays with her till she slows down a little, then back into her play pen. He then takes her out at 430a to pee and play before he goes to work. I take over around 5a.
We are driving her around in the car now in her airplane carry case. We want to acclimate her to being in it, for the flight to florida. She whines a little then just lays down and goes to sleep, she is so adaptable, so far lol
Cost us more to fly her than it cost for our tickets. (we did buy them on sale lol)
Missy 1 we could not fly, she could not handle the noise or experience, she was around 3 when she was given to me. I still think she was abused We always drove down with her.
I gave her a treat.
Coming back from our fast walk, she found a stick to carry back to the house. A little blurry, we were walking fast...........
She just loves to pick up a stick to carry, some are bigger than her.
She brings so much joy, just love having a puppy, it has been a long time.
She is sitting on my lap while I wander the forum, totally attention on the movement of the mouse pointer. She is ready to attack the screen!