Wikipedia has this to say about bloodworms;
The larva of a non-biting midge (Family Chironomidae) containing hemoglobin
The polychaete Glycera, often used for fishing bait
The worm, Lumbriculus variegatus, more commonly called blackworm, but often misnamed by pet store
commonly the favourite food of most betta fish
I wouldn't jump to conclusions and start treating without more proof.:goldfish:
The larva of a non-biting midge (Family Chironomidae) containing hemoglobin
The polychaete Glycera, often used for fishing bait
The worm, Lumbriculus variegatus, more commonly called blackworm, but often misnamed by pet store
commonly the favourite food of most betta fish
I wouldn't jump to conclusions and start treating without more proof.:goldfish: