Nice try, MW! Und Du?
Thanks for the invite, Big Lou. Judging from some of the above posts, at least some of the GPF'ers are paying attention! Just to set the record straight, I am NOT a 'dealer'. Not by ANY description, Dr. Sir, etc! I'm retired from the rat race, but put in a few hours now and then at a local garden centre, basically running the pond/water garden section. Nothing special, mostly stuff for backyard water features. I've been doing this for, I think, seven years now, but even before that I was doing seminars for the previous owner. I DO NOT offer any pumps on the internet, but I WILL sell you one if you walk into the store.
Regarding Laguna, I have been using their pumps for about 14 years, and consider them among the best FOR THE MONEY. Apparently there ARE better pumps out there, but I for one really can't afford them. Laguna pumps were made in Italy for years, but about 6 years ago they introduced a 'more affordable' line of small pumps made in China. After having to replace a number of impellers in these pumps, (One needed three in a month or so), I told the rep that I would not be carrying them any more. I don't like to sell crap. BTW, the problem with these pumps could easily be remedied by using a better plastic. The impellers basically wear out in no time. Chinese plastics were made with lead, and when North America realized the danger of lead and banned it in most products, China was caught with it's pants down, so to speak, and is now playing catch-up. Time will tell.
Anyway, the pond pumps sold under the names 'Max-Flo' and 'PowerJet' are the ones that would interest most pondkeepers, and are still made in Italy. The MF series is a basic pump intended to move water to filters or waterfalls, and has a cage around it with 5/16" holes, while the ones on the PJ line, which come with everything needed to run a fountain as well as a diverter valve to move water to other features, are 1/4". If my memory is correct, these pumps now come in sizes from 600 GPH to 4200 GPH. They are not exactly cheap, but in my opinion are good value for the money. Sorry for the long-winded post, now I have to go soak my typing finger in ice-water!