Big Lou.... You were in the Navy or the Air Force?
USMC '70~'74 here.... 'Nam in '72 But as they say, once a Marine, always a Marine...
Now I just try to raise awareness to the high suicide rate among our warriors and raise $$$ for the programs that support the wounded, disabled and homeless veterans...and remind folks what Patriotism is suppose to be...
Two years ago I walked across the US... Started in Everett, WA and finished up at "The Wall" in DC... 5 months 26 Days, a tad over 3500 miles and three pairs of shoes later.. I think that I was somewhere in Wisconsin when my first social security check was deposited into my bank account!

Here's a link to my website:
I also have a Facebook page under Montana Honor Guard or Chuck Lewis... I actually have three Facebook pages the MHG is just for veteran information on what Honor Guards are all about... Avitar ~ Dog Tags w/Folded Flag in the background. Then there's Walking for the Fallen ~ USA and last but not least is Chuck Lewis.. Avitar ~ A Black Bear with a jar over it's head... I.e. Jar Head... But I am fairly politically vociferous on that one.... Yes Schizophrenia is alive and well here in Montana!!!
The Table in my Avitar is one of the displays that I take around the State for Veteran events... I also have a battery of flags, a 35' portable flag pole and a battlecross (Boots, Rifle & Helmet) that I take around...
I continue to support our Veterans monetarily and by giving free presentations to anyone that will listen...
Never Forget!