Are you sure you are losing water?
When the water level drops 6" in an hour, does it keep dropping beyond the hour or dies it stop at that point?
It can also be that you are not actually losing water but instead displacing water to the stream and it appears as a loss in the pond.
Remember, the stream will hold a decent amount of water in itself. So if the pump is off, theres no water in the stream and there will be more water in your pond. Once you turn the pump back on, water from the pond will get displaced into the stream mimicking a water loss in the pond.
If that is not the case and you are actually losing water, oftentimes water loss can be from a waterfall or a stream, but can also be the plumbing itself.
The best thing is to isolate each one individually to determine which is the culprit.
Can you possibly disconnect the pump output and run a temporary hose to each feature one at a time to determine the culprit?
For example, if your stream is fed first and that feeds the waterfall then feeds the pond, maybe skip the stream and just feed the falls.
If you still have water loss, take the falls out of the equation and feed the water directly into the pond. If you still have water loss, it's the pond leaking.