I have a porch light that I switch on sometimes over my pond at night. Since the water is crystal clear, I can see the fish swishing around and playing at night from my window.
My porch light is not directly over my pond either but like your sensor light, almost over it. That's neat that your fish make the sensor light turn on. They must be pretty big. lol.
Sorry Migsly, I didn't intend to give the impression that the shubukins in my pond turn on the motion sensor light by moving around. Usually it's the killer guard dog or myself that will turn on the light. Even still it's nice to flip the switch and watch the fish from inside the house when the weather is to nasty to go outside.
Yes, it's wonderful. My pond is above ground and right outside my window. When it rains, the over hang of the roof makes a waterfall in the pond. The fish dig that.
I love your pond pix. They are beautiful. Is that white poodle your killer guard dog? :nananananana: It's so cute.
Mr. Buttons thinks he's killer dog of the north. You know, big dog trapped in a small dogs body. I haven't managed to get a picture of it, but Mr. Buttons will stand at the ponds edge and watch the fish.
I feel my fish like the lights at night. They swim in the lighted areas and we enjoy watching them. I do feel they need darkness as well for health and wellbeing. Do my fish need it? Not really but we like it. Here is my opinion on this subject. It is not normal for most living creatures to not receive light. In the ocean the fish that are in the deepest depths don't receive light are different compared to the ones that get light from the sun. So when we hit the sack the fish hit the sack and all lights are out.
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