True friends just call me Larkin
Lou, "wildcat" is a name that is used to cover Bobcats, Lynx, Cougars, and large Ferrel cats. They are all wild. I've never seen a lynx but looking at there range it is a possibility. Bobcats for sure seems to be in that area. Bobcats can be colored from almost Black to very faint blond in color. The older the cat the less the body markings show. Some will keep these marking their entire life, some lose their marking on the body within the first year. They can interbreed with Ferrel cats, But it is very rare, In most cases the Ferrel cat would be considered food. IF you see one in the wild, Do not run, stand still and make noise. They will avoid confrontation unless cornered. then they get down right NASTY! Not just bite and scratch. They also spray, and pee and it stinks! . Even young babies can be very destructive and nasty. If you happen to see it on a regular basis contact the Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries. they will live trap it and move it to a better location. Do not capture and think you can keep it. contact DWLF right away. Some states carry a hefty fine for possession of a bobcat or protected "WILD" cat.