Hi Everyone,
I'm back, and with a heavy heart. A Blue Herron found my ponds this morning - need I say more? Guess my screename stands :lol:
It's been a while since I posted - mainly because I have had no problems with my ponds. All fish have been growing nicely and I've had no water issues.
A few updates before I get to the Herron:
- This past fall was quite an adventure and I was going to post here about it, but could never find the time. We sit outside by the ponds/waterfalls by our chiminea quite a bit. One evening, my wife yelled "LOOK!!" and pointed over to the gravel feeding area we have with a bench (pictured at the beginning of this thread). There was a Raccoon, at the waters edge with another right behind it! A family had found our ponds and were preparing to feast!! Scary thing was, this was 12 feet from us and they could have cared less. Rabbies were the first thing to come to mind.
I jumped up, yelling that manly "HA!!..YA....HA!!!!!!!" sound we all make when we panic. If you've ever seen Dick Van Dyke when he was chasing a bird in the front yard? That was me - I then picked up a 6 in diameter stone and flung it as hard as I could. Having the weight that it did, it wasn't a fastball or anything, but missed his head by inches - it would have dropped him if I hadn't missed. Anyway, off they ran. I told the wife to go get a flashlight - we counted the fish and scanned the yard - they had left, with no damage done - we don't know how long there were sitting there listening to our conversation - must not have been long.
Luckily my daughters boyfriend is a hunter, and came over that evening with a live trap - he guaranteed we'd have one in the trap in the morning - he opened a fresh can of sardines and put the whole can in the trap. Next morning, nothing. He was stunned, but we decided to leave it out there thinking maybe my ROCK FASTBALL had scared them.
The following morning, look what we caught
We called animal control, who came and picked it up and moved it to a remote part of the city. The officer had never heard one growl like this one was doing as she picked the cage up. I again thought about Rabbies. Knowing we had seen a 2nd one, and not knowing how many there were, we set the trap again. Next morning, nothing. But the following morning, we caught another one. It's almost like our scent had to get off the trap for a complete day, before they would come back. We hit the tri-fecta with 3 of them and after a week of no catches, returned the trap.
We went through the winter with no other problems. I purchased two nets for the ponds, since I have a tree above them. These nets are different from ones I've had - they are very fine and catch everything. The biggest mistake I made, was I didn't keep up with blowing the dry leaves off them and it rained and basically turned them in to huge teabags and have tinted my water brown. I know a bunch of water changed with get rid of that, but I'm going to stay on it next year so that doesn't happen again.
Anyway, to this morning. While taking my morning relief up stairs and looking out the window to see if the koi were swimming around, I spotted him. I had to do a double take, because it was almost surreal. There he was, making large steps, slowly toward my Koi pond. And this pond I know he could stand in - it's only 2.5 deep at the DEEPEST. My wife was downstairs so I ran to the top of the stairs and yelled "THERE'S A BIRD IN THE POND!!!"
She ran outside clapping her hands and it took off. After I dressed, we checked the pond and it WAS EMPTY. That pond had about 8 small feeder goldfish and 6 Koi that we have had over a year - since my post at the beginning of this thread. They were very tame and we hand fed them and they had doubled their size. GONE - ALL OF THEM. I thought I saw a tail under a large rock we have in there for them to go under, and wondered if more might be under there. I put shorts on and went outside and climbed into the FRIGGIN FREEZING 50 degree water and lifted it. ONE WAS ALIVE! And it was my favorite one!. It's a butterfly black koi with yellow spots and very gentle when it takes food from your hand. Seems his darker color saved him, though the Herron was walking back toward the pond to get him probably this morning when I spotted him. I can only assume the Herron had been eating since daybreak so he had a good 1.5 hrs or so before I was up and saw him. We have some of those cheap plastic lighted lilly pads floating in the pond and my wife lifted one and 5 goldies were suspended under it, hiding!
There are a few leaves in the bottom and I think I saw two more goldies under them, lying still, so at least we have SOMETHING. I've put the nets back on to end their stress, pending the arrival of my purchase on Amazon today. I've purchased a decoy I'll move around once a week, the scarecrow sprinkler, AND A FLOATING ALLIGATOR - it's 3 pieces that float in the pond - I haven't told the wife about it and plan to surprise her. So as you can tell, I AM GOING ALL OUT. I'll take a photo of that bad boy when I get it!! :bowdown:
I am going to be purchasing a bee-bee gun, but frankly if I had cracked that window in the morning to take a shot, I think it would have heard me and flown off, so I don't know if I'll ever get a shot off, but it's worth having one loaded just in case.
Anyway, that's whats been going on here. IT'S WAR AT THE KOIKILLER HOUSE!!!
When the local store gets their spring shipment in, we'll be taking my son to pick out 5 new ones. He doesn't know what happened yet - how do you tell a 6 year old that his koi have probably been processed by now and are fertilizing some grass somewhere? He calls them "his pigs" because they eat like pigs.
A couple questions to end with:
1. The tea colored water from my laziness of not getting the leaves off the nets - I've read about using carbon to clear it, but $ wise, is that practical, or just keep up with the water changes and eventually it'll clear? The brown doesn't bother me too much and up until today, I figured it offered some protection to the fish because it made it darker, but that's not true.
2. Feeding them - I believe it's above 50 degrees to feed koi/goldfish? We've had some warm days that raised the water up quickly, then cold days that have cooled it. Can I feed the fish if the water is say 56 one day, but what happens if it drops to 48 for a few, then back up above again. Before they were killed, they were famished and begging for food, so we fed them and they seemed to digest it fine. I'm using the winter/spring mix. Just want to make sure if a really cold night (like tonight) high and I fed them a day or two ago when it was 75 outside and the water warmed , it won't kill them. Is there a stretch of under 50 degrees in a row I should be concerned with?
3. The remaining fish and the gold fish in the other pond he didn't get to are TERRIFIED. When walking out there, one even jumped out of the water going bezerk swimming rapidly back and forth. I assume this reaction will ease with time? I don't know how smart fish can be, but they sure as hell know what happened, as the 5 bigger Koi were ripped out of the water and eaten in front of them. I'm hoping to get them back to hand feeding, and I'm betting that was part of what killed the first few - they probably swam right up to the bird thinking it was going to feed them. Anyone had any survivors regain trust after having them tamed for hand feeding?
Still the Koikiller