Turtle Keeper + CPL(H)
@MitchM I thought I posted the update that I had installed a cattle fence around the perimiter of my main property and electrified it but I may go bigger and better when I have the money. Yet another downside to public funds is you only really need them once you have invested $102,456.00 of your own money into the mission and only have about 10k reserve to spare on the operation for the rest of its history. The coyote insident was not technically an issue of the turtles safety as much as it was my own unfortunate case of having a sick animal confront me. I doubt he would have went for me or the turtles had I not surprised him but it was just a unlucky one off encounter. But the electrified fence should help for now and it was almost 900 bucks which is alot of money to me so I hope to get a few years use of it