I "rescued" my pup from a breeder (he was born a runt with a fractured elbow and they couldnt sell him)
I think its pretty wrong that they are A) forcing people to adopt or

drive distances to find the dog they want.
My thinking is... before my two kids were born, yeah, I may have adopted a dog, but now, there is no way a would ever bring an animal into the house that I have no idea how it was raised or treated.
I spent two summers during college working for our local shelter, cleaning pens, washing dogs, taking them for excersise. I know first hand that if a dog is mistreated or mistrained, they may seem like the most lovable dog and suddenly try to attack for no apparent reason. And on many occasions... I got to be the one to find that when they first came in off the streets before they were put up for adoption.
I'm not saying that there arent hundreds and thousands of perfectly good dogs sitting in shelters right now, but since I've seen the bad side of shelter dogs first hand, I could never bring myself to adopt an ADULT dog to bring around my children, a new puppy is a different story.
Also, what about people that are looking for a certain type of dog? I love boxers, I dont want a mutt boxer, I love my brindle, purebred boxer. My parents own an english bulldog, You ever seen a $1200 purebred english bulldog sitting in a shelter? If you have, let me know, I'll make the drive. My aunt and uncle breed english bulldogs, I'd love to have one someday, but they are sure expensive little critters to buy and keep.