I got out there this morning and dug dug dug to my little hearts content. My husband thinks I am crazy. I was out there at 6 am in with shovel in hand. By 2 pm I was done digging. Between the digging and spreading dirt I am exhausted.
I decided to go with a little pond at the bottom of the bog.
once we build the patio off the addition, we will be able to walk out the door and look down into a very small pond.
The over all depth of the bog is about 10". It will have a cinder block collar raising it another 6".
The little pond at the bottom is 2' deep and with the collar will be 2.5'.
No fish will be in here it is just going to be a bog/wildlife sanctuary
I would love it if frogs decided to move in.
The last picture shows where the pump box will live and the power source.