Broken sword is correct, if it did it before, there has been no change to flow, size of out put, then you are just treating a symptom instead of what could be a very bad problem.
I don’t understand your drain tile idea. Short of putting a pump in there attached to a hose that runs to the pond, you have two options, one you say isn’t feasible. Option a is to make wider output, you say isn’t feasible, I say send pictures. Unless it is wide open all along the pond edge, that’s your easiest option just for a first response from most of us.
Option b, reduce things blocking waters path, and make channels in the rock to allow water to escape faster. This is sacrificing water quality for water volume, and is a fix you will have to maintain by keeping plants thinned, good only until you can resolve the real problem, which is what you need to address. It’s just going to get worse otherwise.