Thanks again everyone. This time I wrote down the directions for the separate plants, will put it with the plants when I bring them in. So far things are not scorched by the freeze we had couple of weeks ago, but I'm thinking it was a very light frost. I was gone that weekend, so no idea what the temps were. Just know down southern IL where I was, one guy said he had to scrape ice off of his windshield. But, looks like the elephant and ears and taro, either bring in live and keep alive with light and water, or let die off in a heavy frost, bring in the bulbs and dry them out really well, and store in a cool dry place. Thinking I'm going to try the latter this year, as last year they didn't grow (taro mainly) and almost died by spring.
And anyone that has umbrella palms they are bringing in, note Colleen's post above about getting the top of one that has leaned over and rerooted. I tried to pull my huge plant, and believe me, it has HUGE root system! Not going to bring that one in this year, unless I find a small start that I can bring in and put in the window or under lights.
Question: On plants like the umbrella palm that I'm going to let die in the bog, will that hurt the bog system, rotting roots, etc., or is it ok to leave it to rot? If not ok, I will pull the roots out and shake the pea gravel off of them.
I noticed that some of my bog plants (penny wart mainly) has grown such a root system that it was pushing up against the edge of the liner where it BARELY got to the rock ledge, and water was dripping over last week. Pushed the roots back, all was good again. I've had that happen a couple of times. Need to lower the overflow of the bog so that doesn't happen again. Spring project ...