@Somethin' Fishy, sorry for the late update, just getting back to normal after Christmas. So my tank went thought some changes after the initial planting, so I held off on the photos for a while. It went through a bad brown algae stage, but is recovering nicely and it has cleared up. There is a lot to be said for keeping an aquarium, as I just love it. So 2018 has been such a good year to me, a new pond, an aquarium, and I happen to love having both. My fish seem to be doing fantastic and are very entertaining as I find myself watching them on and off through out the day. I have the tank on a small writing desk, and I must say it provides a lovely view when I'm doing the bills, or if I'm online. However I felt the need for a bigger tank as the minnows are extremely active little fish, so after the holidays I saw a great deal on a 40 gallon tank on a stand at the Asian fish market. So for now I keep the trimming from my plants so I can transplant into the new tank, I'm sure the minnows will love the upgrade and extra space. To sum it up, this is a very enjoyable and addictive hobby. Here is a picture of my tank a few weeks ago, I will post a picture of the new tank soon, as I hoping you maybe able to offer some advice about it and the equipment it came with.