Thanks Keith,Hi Dessie. Welcome and good luck with your new fish and pond. Nature finds a way to balance itself out. If you never add new fish or remove any you will find out how many fish is good for your pond. About 6 years ago I decided I was happy with my 6 or 7 fish and stopped buying new fish. Well now I have about 10 times that amount! Some years I have had 20 babies and some years just one or two. The more fish you have the more the fish will hunt the eggs and fry and eat them and the fewer will survive, and if you lose fish to disease or predators the fish population will replenish itself on it's own. I have found my strongest and healthiest fish are those that were born in the pond and survived,and they have best adapted to the conditions of the pond whereas other fish I have added since then weren't able to do as well. My largest goldfish is like the third or fourth generation from my oldest goldfish. Enjoy your new fish. I hope most of them make it!
Very interesting reply,you obviously know a lot about the fish scene,and I will take your advice thanks again Keith much appreciated