Thank you cas! It'll be a month or so before I can start concentrating on the sampan. I have a couple of other projects on my bench I need to do first. If I don't, the sampan will absorb all my attention and I won't get anything else done. I'll post an occasional progress report. (I am really antsy to start on it though....
LamieB, creating an island is really an easy process. I used some 2" insulation foam from one of the big box stores, cut a hole (or two) so a plastic flower pot or the black baskets that have a ridge around the top can't pass through the hole, a left over piece of pond liner (not really necessary, it just provides a black under-layment,) and a yard or two of burlap. I shaped the foam, cut the holes with a slight angle towards the center/bottom to make the pots fit snugly. Punch a hole through the foam and run a piece of synthetic line a little longer than the depth of your pond, and tie a nail, washer, ring, anything that won't pull back through the hole. This is your anchor line. Lay on the burlap, (may want to staple it in a few places), tie a brick or something to the other end of your anchor line. Fill your baskets/pots with pea gravel, crushed marble, or any relatively fine material that won't dissolve or float away and put in your bog-type plants. Insert these into the holes of your island and have a launching party.
Using the foam there is plenty of reserve flotation and we've set regular annuals in pots on the "deck" of the islands just making sure they were centered so they wouldn't capsize the island and put the soil in the pond.
Here's a couple images of our islands. I started out square, then got "creative" and rounded the edges for better esthetics.
Hope this helps..............