My O2 sensor just showed up and I'm pretty surprised. First off, the stupid floating thermometer I bought is really confusing. The way the lines match up with the numbers lead me to believe my water was 70, when in reality it's 80. So this digital meter set me straight on that, and after I slapped my forehead I took a look at the O2. It was coming up 8.0 which is a great, despite the much higher temp, and the drought we're in right now. I would say this is pretty much the worst environment I'm ever going to have to deal with, and I would say I'm doing swimmingly well, if you dont' mind the pun.
So obviously I can't 100% rely on technology, but I still feel really good about the results.
I'm also very surprised that my water temp is the same at the top and bottom, I only saw a 1 degree difference in 4 feet. I feel kind of bad about that, I think I might put the hose in today and send some cold water down to the bottom
My well is 62 degrees by the way, and has DO of over 6. I have always worried that my well water was dangerous to add to the pond so I've always gotten really elaborate with sprinklers and slow trickles, I think I'm done with that stuff, just going to throw the hose in from now on, 6.0 is enough to sustain life and once it mixes with my water it's going to go higher and higher so I doubt I can suffocate my fish with that. Probably do some tests near the hose today with the sensor just to see if that theory is correct or not.
So obviously I can't 100% rely on technology, but I still feel really good about the results.
I'm also very surprised that my water temp is the same at the top and bottom, I only saw a 1 degree difference in 4 feet. I feel kind of bad about that, I think I might put the hose in today and send some cold water down to the bottom
My well is 62 degrees by the way, and has DO of over 6. I have always worried that my well water was dangerous to add to the pond so I've always gotten really elaborate with sprinklers and slow trickles, I think I'm done with that stuff, just going to throw the hose in from now on, 6.0 is enough to sustain life and once it mixes with my water it's going to go higher and higher so I doubt I can suffocate my fish with that. Probably do some tests near the hose today with the sensor just to see if that theory is correct or not.