Newbie to Koi Pond ... question about shubunkin vs koi

May 12, 2021
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Update : Okay two shub's left and pretty sure they both are female based off their body type being noticeably rounder then the males I took out. Don't want to stress out too much so going to get them tomorrow. Wasn't a stressful event but I'm sure the other fish are aware the others have been disappearing.

Thanks for all the info. I now know shubunkins mass produce like no other so that's been confirmed (feel silly here, but appreciate the feedback, its all constructive and super helpful)

Next questions for you fish folk...
- Do the Shubunkin MALES pursue the breeding more or do the females? Or is it just a mix of both when they are in breeding mode?

- When do Koi start breeding?

I want to have some peace of mind knowing there are only two females left and my young male koi wont pursue them (but I wouldn't entirely put that past them). Would love to hear about the question I asked about breeding. Thank you once again for helping me !
May 12, 2021
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Final Update: GOT ALL THE SHUBUNKINS OUT !! Wow one was FAST & HUGE and ready to repopulate my entire pond :eek: Anyways I noticed one more little guy and im going to investigate further and make sure it is not a shubunkin as it was resembling a koi more. No eggs seen.

Also noticed a section dedicated to discussing spawning so I will take any further questions there. New to the forum, appreciate all the feedback.

Thanks again to you all, I feel confident in my ability to tell the difference between the two now.


Apr 28, 2011
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NW Louisiana -- zone 8b
Hardiness Zone
United States
When my pond was new, I was so excited to see babies! Problem was that I had added some Rosy Reds in with my GF, and I didn’t know what the babies were. I did lots of research and comparison (images) searches — you can say that I was a little bit...obsessed, LOL! Anyway, all of that obsessiveness actually brought me closer to the hobby — maybe in a Zen sort of way — but I loved delving into the unknown and learning more about my fish. BTW, that first time, they turned out to mostly be Rosy Reds, but when the baby GF started coming, I was able to tell the difference!
May 12, 2021
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When my pond was new, I was so excited to see babies! Problem was that I had added some Rosy Reds in with my GF, and I didn’t know what the babies were. I did lots of research and comparison (images) searches — you can say that I was a little bit...obsessed, LOL! Anyway, all of that obsessiveness actually brought me closer to the hobby — maybe in a Zen sort of way — but I loved delving into the unknown and learning more about my fish. BTW, that first time, they turned out to mostly be Rosy Reds, but when the baby GF started coming, I was able to tell the difference!
Awe! That is exactly whats happening here ;) it's SO interesting I can search for hours (if i had the time haha) but I agree it all really just helps you get more familiar with all the little details and really get to know your fish family! I hope your Pond is doing well and thriving! Sending fin waves ;)
May 16, 2021
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United States
Goldfish are easy to sex if you can look at them out of the pond, like in a clear plastic container, or even laying on their side in your hand. Female goldfish have a protrusion at the vent. Males are more convex. Males will also get tuberacules on their gill plates when they are in spawning condition. This looks like little white dots. They will also get them on the leading rays of their pectoral fins.

Double tailed varieties...fantails, orandas, moors, ryukins, etc., etc., have double anal fins....or should. Sometimes, they don't, but they should. Single tailed goldfish...shubunkins, comets, common goldfish have single anal fins. As do koi. By way, shubunkins are single tailed goldfish, but if it is a double tailed calico goldfish, it is a calico fantail or calico oranda, or whatever.

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