You could always leave that pond as is and just start another pond closer to the house. Ponds can be made out of many different things, like Rubbermaid cattle troughs, then there is the pre-formed ponds (can be more difficult to fit in ground) and the regular pond liner. The pond liner is easy to work with and digging the hole can be the biggest issue sometimes. You have many options, and the fish are small, so they will be fine for the time being so take your time and make a budget and plan. There are also many threads where people built ponds and posted their progress as they went along. You can look at many different ideas and find a plan that will work for you. There are also many different pumps and filters to choose from as well. Your fish are small so you can save money and look for pumps on sale. You don't have to go really big and spend lots of money at this point, cause the fish are small. I manage my ponds quite well with a collection of different pumps and filters that I got mostly on sale. I do like to have a pump that has an attachment for a good pre-pump filter. The filters that come with most all pumps are usually junk and I fit another big filter to pump that I found at a pet store.
Some people have a bigger budget and can afford a better pump and Skimmer. I never had a Skimmer and do quite well without one. I personally don't have a skimmer as I would be worried about small fish getting sucked in, and Skimmers could be difficult to run all winter. Most people do have the pumps and Skimmers these days and most are very happy with that set up and just shut the Skimmer down for the winter. Skimmers are nice cause they suck all the leaves and stuff out and help keep the pond clean.
Some people say their Skimmer does not suck the fish in, so I can't say for sure as I don't have one. If a small fish does get in the Skimmer trap, it will be fine and can be fished out if trap easy enough.
Don't stress out to much, take your time to look at all your options. I never had a plan though, 21 years ago I just got a small pre-formed pond and was happy with that for the first year ..... then I had to make it bigger, and bigger, and bigger ...... crazy addiction!