New TV Show - Pond Stars


Native Gardener
Apr 2, 2013
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Southeastern Wisconsin
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United States
If you are on facebook, join a pond group. They are filled with posts about the show and what will be on it.

I could. I could also go on the NGW website and I'm sure there is a preview, but since this topic is dedicated to it, I figured I would ask here. I'm sure someone knows.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
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United States
They are going to build a huge pond for a football player in Florida. I bet it will be really extravagant cuz we all know how filthy rich those players are! Forgot what the next project of the show was going to be. They have been doing 2 on each show so far. I do like watching what they do. I wish I could work that fast!
May 15, 2014
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I agree. I think people can see what motivates certain posters. I try to reply without making it personal, but still get to the bottom of that motivating factor. DP doesn't like AS - that's fine. I happen to like their products, their ponds, and their philosophy of pond-keeping. I don't really care if other people don't share my opinion, but I do care that things people say (whether about AS or any other topic here) are at least factual OR clearly just that one person's opinion, uninformed or otherwise. "Perception is reality" is so true - if people hear something repeated over and over, even if it's not true it suddenly becomes accepted. A new poster here the other day said something like "I know gravel on the bottom of the pond is not good" - that's when I think another opinion can give that person something to consider. I think it's also very informative to note that the one example DP finally gave of a clueless "Aquascapes certified master installer" (that's not a real thing by the way - someone made that title up) also happened to be a woman. Bias shines through. Some people consider pond keeping to be a manly thing and just don't like us girls messing in their manly business. o_O

I'm not afraid of different opinions. I'm not an expert on ponds by any means, but I am an expert on MY pond. So I can share with confidence what works for me. If other people read what I say and choose to believe it, fine. If not, that's OK too. But people who fear that sharing of different ideas confound me - what's their stake in the game anyway? Enjoy YOUR pond and if others choose to go a different route, why in the world would YOU care?

We happen to live in the Chicago area so our exposure to ponds and water features was Aquascape. That was a lucky thing for us - we were able to tap into a wealth of knowledge and experience and tour dozens of AS ponds and see the concept in action and in the end build a DIY project that we love. I can tell you right now if we had seen ponds with big free standing filtration units and things that required back flushing or filter pads that needed rinsing or water that required regular testing, we would have gone on our way without even considering a pond in our own yard. I definitely didn't need to add more tasks to my day. Our pond requires no daily care. We putter because we like to. But some people want a more active hobby, or want to raise koi for shows or have lots of big fish or whatever - good on them! I enjoy seeing those lovely ponds and hearing about those set ups, too. I just know that wasn't for us.

I love sharing with other people my love for ponds and water gardening and how it has been such a positive addition to our lives. Lots of personal things that I won't go into here, but life can be hard sometimes. There are days when the thought of sitting by the pond when I get home keeps a smile on my face. There is no better feeling than that! :)
Amen sista Lisa
May 15, 2014
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with knowledge. Every one of us came to this forum looking for it, and I like hearing what you have to say when I ask a question. The thing is, you occasionally have a "my way or the highway" approach, and when someone disagrees you tend to get sarcastic or in some ways rude, like conversation that started this. You might not even intend for it to come off that way, but it does. I really don't know much about Waterbug, but it seems by reading your own comment about him, he was the same way.

View attachment 75691
There was nothing helpful about his replies on this tread. O.k. I'm done with this and may have to take a break from the spot for a while.
Nov 2, 2012
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near Kalamazoo, Michigan
Why do you always have to sound like such a jerk? I'm not picking a fight I'm just calling you out on your rude behavior. Grow up or shut up. Know one cares if your rolling your eyes so keep it to your self. And I could give a rats A&@ what the topic is and who is right or wrong, your just rude.
By the way, why are you trying to tell me what to do? I'm rude but you're telling me to shut up? Are we in the third grade now?
Sep 18, 2012
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Desoto, Texas (Dallas County) North Texas, Zone 8a
Please, let's just all get along, respect opinions or if nothing else exhibit tolerance. There can be respectful debates and or disagreements. Simple, simple, simple "speak" to others like you want others to "speak" to you. I've been a member of photography forums that imploded due to controversy and certainly never want to see GPC become a battle ground. Please.............
Nov 2, 2012
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near Kalamazoo, Michigan
Good point Big Lou. Here's what I dont get... I make a couple comments about a TV show and people who arent even on the forum and all of a sudden I get a couple members here attacking me personally. Doesn't make much sense to me. But somehow Im the rude and aggressive one lol. If one of you people who has been attacking me can show me anywhere in this thread where I insulted anyone of you personally, or told anyone to shut up, or called them a name, that would be great.


Native Gardener
Apr 2, 2013
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Southeastern Wisconsin
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United States
Good point Big Lou. Here's what I dont get... I make a couple comments about a TV show and people who arent even on the forum and all of a sudden I get a couple members here attacking me personally. Doesn't make much sense to me. But somehow Im the rude and aggressive one lol. If one of you people who has been attacking me can show me anywhere in this thread where I insulted anyone of you personally, or told anyone to shut up, or called them a name, that would be great.

I hope you don't consider what I said an attack, as it was not meant as an attack, but I do stand behind it. Your comments such as "This forum does have a way of treating knowledgeable members in a way that they leave." or "And then the forum will be a total joke." are a prime example of why I called you aggressive. You used those words specifically to be offensive. You could've backed away long before that point, admittedly so could've @Lisaebetten, and I'll include myself as well, but I felt the need to reply after seeing comments like "Rolling my eyes..." to someone who was trying to have a real conversation.

From here on out, I'll stop posting on this topic unless we get back on topic about Pond Stars.
Oct 28, 2013
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Northern IL
I could. I could also go on the NGW website and I'm sure there is a preview, but since this topic is dedicated to it, I figured I would ask here. I'm sure someone knows.

I think one of the builds this week is a surprise backyard makeover that a man is doing for his wife - patio, pond, fire pit, etc. Looks like fun! And of course - they only have TWO DAYS TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! haha! If you search YouTube for "pond stars" you can find some fun behind the scenes and follow up videos for the shows that have already aired.


Native Gardener
Apr 2, 2013
Reaction score
Southeastern Wisconsin
Hardiness Zone
United States
I think one of the builds this week is a surprise backyard makeover that a man is doing for his wife - patio, pond, fire pit, etc.

Can't wait. Last week was interesting but I just didn't care much for the trout pond. The koi pond was cool, and I loved the turtle pond on the first episode.

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