Nice of you to join us, your experience will certainly benefit the community.
My guess would be your not a bog filter kind of keeper of koi.
thanks for the welcome .Welcome to the GPF @MIKES KOI !
thanks for the welcome.Welcome to our Forum!
I have only shubunkins, goldfish love them and beautiful colors.
no sir im not a bog filter guy, thanks for the welcomethat is funny you mention bog or filter because the koi farm in NC when I asked them had told me all they used was aeration and no filter .They told me they grow better and are healthier with no filter
thanks for the welcome every ones making me feel right at home. about my ponds, big pond 10000+ small pond 4500+ #3 pond 2000 gal i also have a breeding area with a few 100 gal and a 150 Q. tank, filter is a 4.4 with a blower aquadyne. other are home made bio filters. sorry i dont ship fish... but your welcome here . not much on water features but i do have a big brass mermaid that squirts water.ill post pics in june...im still finding my way around in here...Welcome!
Can you tell us about your pond(s). Filtration, size, aeration, water features, etc.
Many of us can benefit from your expert experience.
Do you ship fish that you sell or just sell locally? Some may be interested in that too.
im sorry jamie, i dont raise long fins. only standard koi. but your still welcome here anytime.come on buy ill treat the koi with a watermelon i got a 30pounder that will jump in your lap and cry for a bite...shes 37 years old...Come to think of it, St. Louis isn’t all that far, we do occasionally go to Springfield to visit hubbys family... do you raise butterfly koi? Lol. And while I’m out that way, I just might find more nifty rocks for edging, plants, and hardscaping. Sigh, my pond being ready for koi is still a few years off, but I’d like to find a breeder I know for when that time comes.
@ sissy, i dont want to offend anyone, but im gonna try to explain the best i can...some koi dealers in the USA will say anything to get you to buy fish, equipment, supplies . i have seen this first hand many times. im now gonna explain. the reason SOME koi farms use no filters, expense,ele . bills. equipment, and the maintenance.they dont feed the fish!!!! if you want healthy BIG fish you must feed. the more you feed the bigger they get..the ONLY way to keep healthy fish is with good water quality.with a bog filter it can not happen at some time you are gonna need to add salt[koi pond] a high dose of salt will kill all plants, not good for bogs, the salt will not go no where till its removed from water. most bog owners grow water gardens not koi. most will experience a foul rotten egg smell from such ponds, from the bacteria trying to keep up with a fish load most have a backyard full of mosquitoes .most dont feed from fear of overload ..i like fish and lots of fish lots of color, the ONLY way to achieve this is with a filter, food , good husbandry. the exception to this rule is A MUD POND you can grow koi healthy FAST in a mud pond, because of the minerals the clay found in japan proves this thats why i use CLAY in my ponds. note fish will still produce ammonia even when not fed. i have a pond right now, 4500 gal with 185 koi in there . my big pond can hold 500 lbs of fish feeding 5lbs of food a day. i have lost one fish in my 42years of keeping koi. knock on wood .she was 35 years old. i did struggle some in my early years there was no internet[ if its on the internet its gotta be true] there is a japaneese guy on the net now he lives in cal.he claims his fish are so good he sells them to japan fish dealers LOLOL .. its against the laws in japan to import koi. to do this its easy but you gotta care for the fish.bogs in my opinion are for water gardens kinda old school .but to each his own i have nothing against them some are very pretty. as far as growing faster NOT true , better not true, healthier not true. if you want to keep your koi healthy grow faster bigger you better be looking at a big filter system, with uv, air flow, water movement, AND GOOD FOOD if you want BIG healthy loads of fish. you gotta watch pond suppliers like a hawk..most are dishonest and will say whatever it takes sell you anything.here is a good example. [ you gotta use pond salt ] you ever heard that 1 gal 3.00 the truth is any salt with NOTHING added is fine home depo 50# 4.00 good example..heres another ph up 5.00 cup , [baking soda 3 gal ] how about ph down 1 pint 500.... you can make this for 500 for15 gal. or more.. imagine that...ill be glad to help anyone anytime to the best of my knowledge...40 + years. mikethat is funny you mention bog or filter because the koi farm in NC when I asked them had told me all they used was aeration and no filter .They told me they grow better and are healthier with no filter
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