Now, speaking as an Advancement Chair, don't forget that it's
HIS project,
HIS research.....
LOL! Just kidding, but we do have parents who do a lot of the merit badge work for their sons -- grrrrrr -- and one scout who just recently made Eagle Scout? Mom is
STILL doing it all..... Now, what is that scout learning about leadership, integrity.....don't get me off-topic, here.....
Hope he's having fun and learning! I think that fun & interest are the most important aspects, but can be the most challenging, as well! You seem to be doing a good job in that department! We haven't had an interest in the GARDENING MB in our troop yet, but now that you've brought it up, I might address that as a next year project. I was already thinking of using my "turtle habitat" as an example of a specialty garden, but hadn't thought about "water gardening." Great idea, as your son is showing us! Thanks for the pics. [unfortunately, here in Louisiana, water lettuce & water hyacinth are banned as invasive plants -- but there are many other plants we could suggest....]
Once it's all just the way he wants it, and going strong, be sure to post an update on the little ponds progress, things he learned, etc. And, will it have inspired him/you/your family to go "big-time" and build a pond.....!