I'm not a cold weather guy,but that said the previous suggestion about oxygenation might be correct if the surface was entirely ice covered AND there was no air gap below the ice between the ice and the water.
Koi are safe down to about 34 or 35 degrees If there is an ice cover, you are okay with a 4 foot depth. This is only a guess, so just take this with caution. Using a heater actually puts the fish in jeapoardy for two important reasons. First the water temp increase will make the fish more active and cause them to use more oxygen, hence the potential for oxygen depletion with an ice cap. The largest fish will die first in my experience. Second you have the potential to raise the water temp above 48 degrees which is the threshold for waking up harmful bacteria. The koi immune system doesn't kick in until about 65 degrees, so the aeromonas zone as it is sometimes called, between 48 and 65 degrees, puts koi at risk for infection. You are better off over the winter to be below 48 degrees. Sorry for your loss.