excellent. i'll start looking for a local place to get that pl gel. might be a tough one to find locally.
I think between lava rocks in those basins (and down the falls) and filling up that pressure filter i think i might be ok for at least awhile. Two more questions (i was going to say "last for today. . .but who knows what will come to mind as i'm supposed to be working!").
1) there is "bio sludge remover" or something like that which is sold in tablets and powder. Claims to attract it and clump (kinda like cat litter i guess?) and sink to the bottom for easy cleanup. Would that be beneficial? Right now my pre filters are having one hell of a time staying unclogged.
2) found this powdered stuff also that looks like the bacteria? Is this OK to use?
This wasn't the stuff i was talking about in #1, but they had something in powder form in lowes that had the same description:
bio sludge remover