5. 97 gph thats not even a fish tank water rate. and the water running out from the bog look like it's at least 3 to 6ooo gph
7. if you want to try and clean up the sludge with shop vac are you planning on draining down to the sludge ?
8 That pump you pointed out is good for clean out of pipe yes . a good choice discharge off the top straight up and i imagine it will fit in your bog pipes
9. cleaning out the muck in the bogs won't hurt so long as some is left for seeding the bog. but using a shop vac will require draining the bog down and i would use the narrowest knozzel you have
10. when you bought the house was the muck in the bogs ?
13. is there a skimer>?
14. is there a main drain
While i whole heartedly agree adding plants to the bog couldn't do any harm if the correct plants are used it loooks like the water in the bog is? 2 to 3 feet deep ? is there 3/8" stone in that bog?
5. 97 GPM so yeah close to 6000 GPH
7. Plan to turn off pump and it drains down to sludge on its own at that point
10. About the same amount I would say. (I know only because my dog went in it and was a mucky mess)
13. Yes, 2. One before each pump.
14. No, I don't believe so.
The bog is more like 6 to 8 inches deep certainly not over a foot. Mostly just the larger river rock from what I've seen but I haven't dug down real far
And, yeah, as far as I could tell we didn't/don't have a problem. The water is clear, no excess algae, bogs don't have noticeable odor. There is a layer of muck in them but really not a big deal to me if its not gonna effect anything else. We're only thinking we have a problem now basically because this guy is being so persistent. "It is important the bogs get cleaned and I feel I have a vested interest in making sure that happens" he said.