So I decided today to just empty the pond and scrub it and took all the rocks out of the bottom, minus the few holding up the waterfall of course, to make it easier to clean. Rocks on the bottom was never my idea, so I put my foot down today lol. I found all my fish, and the plecos too. Who were a pain to get btw haha. Had to wait til there was only 2 inches of water before I even saw them, they were smart and hid in the waterfall. But I've got them all inside in a 20 gallon tub with an air stone for now. Pond is empty, and algae 90% scrubbed off. Gonna rinse it with the hose tomorrow and flush behind the waterfall rocks and pump it out completely and start over.
When it was first filled, it was kind of a rush job, just to see where the liner was gonna lay so we could cut the hole for the bottom pump box and connect the intake.
The main reason I did this was because I was angry that my dad came over and said the pond needed water, I told him it was fine, but he never listens and put water in anyways, with NO dechlorinator, and by the time I realized, about 20 mins later, I found 2 dead goldfish in the pump box, in the leaf net. Then I see a goldfish struggling at the surface on his side and gasping for air, so I scooped him out with some water, and gave him an air stone but he died within a minute. So I started pumping out the water to find the rest of the fish, which I ASSUMED would be dead at the bottom under a rock or something, but the last 2 goldfish were alive and well, and when I finally found the plecos, I literally screamed with happiness lol. I was on a dead body search and I found the rest alive, so I was happy.
Btw, my dad felt TERRIBLE when he saw the fish dead, he didnt know any better, and he's been beating himself up about it all day. And besides them suffering, I let him off the hook because they were 10 cent least I didn't jump the gun and put koi in there yet haha. He's agreed to never touch my pond again.