CE. Your correct, They are called Bluegill, bream, perch, etc. All depends on where you live I guess. Actually in the pond are what DWLF called green sunfish, We added coppernose bluegill Hybrid bluegill, and redear sunfish when we restocked. But yes they are basically just different types of bluegill. The water doesn't stay that clear all the time. it goes through cycles. No rain the last two weeks, no wind, no pollen and I guess all the plant life still thriving conditions were just really good yesterday, Today different story, can't see them nearly as good as there is a cloudiness to the water and dust has settled on the pond from all the fog last night. Still really neat to watch all of the wild fish come in during feeding time. The bass don't eat the pellets, but they sure come in and wait when the bream come in. There are four bass in the 3#-5# range that stay pretty much together. I'm starting to see them more often. I call them the rat pack. They are really fun to watch. They actually set up a at strategic points and the smallest one will wait until all the "bluegill" start feeding and then make a quick rush in. The other three will wait and attack when the bluegill scatter. Then after that happens two or three times the really big bass makes her pass in. I'm guessing she is in the 7#-8# size but it's hard to guess weight when they are in the water. But I'm fairly comfortable that she is at least that. She never attacks, I guess she feeds differently or in the deep end. But seeing her is a real treat. Then once things settle back down sometimes I will see a few of the channel catfish come up. Been a lot of fun, So far we have seen the big bass on the nest back in the spring, a few times at feeding, and once just cruising the bank. She's easy to pick out as she has a black scar on her forehead that is very distinctive. The wildlife has been a lot of fun as well. So far since we have been here we have spotted, Bullfrogs, leopard frogs, tree frogs both green and camouflage colored barking tree frogs, and a tiny frog I have to identify. Snakes have been King snakes, garter snakes, black racers, Dekalb, Green, Grey Rat, banded water snakes, and the one lone rattlesnake we found shortly after moving here. Lizards, we have mediterranean geckos, anole, Blue tail skinks, five line skinks, red headed skinks, and fence lizards, oh and a small alligator that showed up and left during the hurricane. Turtles include the boxies, red ear sliders, musk, common snappers, map turtles, 1 VERY large alligator snapper, and a huge softshell that is starting to come up and feed on pellets. birds are plentiful but notables are Green heron, snowy heron, Great blue, lesser blue That's the ones that nested and raised their young here. Egrets, Barn and screech owls, a pair of king fishers, ring neck and morning doves and a pair of pileated wood peckers. All these pretty much stay around year round. Rabbits, squirrels, deer, and raccoons. Still not a single animal in the fence and barn area. Good thing too, Since there is still a huge hole in the fence where the tree fell on during the storm. I guess one day we will but for now what we were suppose to get and what we got are two different things. Not that I'm complaining. It's still a lot to take care of and additional animals would just add to it. Still waiting to find out about the Alpaca. I'm guessing she is going to stay with the original owner now. They opened up a new pen and are expanding so that might not happen as planned either. The wife really hasn't shown the intrest she originally showed in all them and I have plenty to take care of, so I quess we will wait a while or until we find something that needs adopting. That's usually how it works, we don't plan very well, we adapt to what animals need care given, or helped that come our way.
Sissy, I wouldn't call this feassco a hic-up more like a bad case of upset stomach, a real PITA if you know what I mean. LOL but yes, this is a gigantic relief to finally have done. and can move on. It is a dream come true, But someone forgot to tell me that dreams that come true can still have nightmares!