Hi all... new pond/fish addict here. :regular_waving_emot
Since being bitten by the pond bug, I've been plucking around on various online forums here and there, and although I've "met" a few very nice/informative people, I haven't really found a place that feels like I'm getting the best "pond" advice. That might've been because the forums I've been perusing were either aquarium forums, or garden forums that happen to have a pond section as an afterthought, but either way... I'm hoping that I end up with better a better grasp on ponding here. :biggrin:
So... my setup/story: Last year I decided that I needed a small Japanese-esque garden with a tiny "koi" pond as my centerpiece/new happy place. Knowing the amount of space I'd have to work with (NONE, lol), I knew that I wouldn't end up with an ACTUAL koi-size pond, so I settled on the idea of a tiny pond that I could put goldfish into instead. After researching the sizes and shapes of the pre-formed pond, I quickly realized that I couldn't find a size/shape/gallon that I'd be happy with, and since this was a new endeavor, I wasn't *completely* secure in my ability to dig and line a tiny pond, so I just made it all up as I went along, which is how I ended up with the following:
36" diameter, 18" deep, 64g Tuff Stuff tub. The inside (sides, not bottom) & top rim are covered w/ Rock-on-a-Roll, so that it wouldn't look like a black plastic tub in a hole. The bottom is covered with natural river rocks & flat glass pebbles. It's almost right up against the house (walk-out ranch), under a deck. It gets a couple hours of sunlight in the morning, and a couple more hours from the other direction late in the afternoon. Lightly planted with submergibles I've obtained from aquarium stores (since they're more plentiful in my immediate area than the closest pond store), such as wisteria, creeping jenny, anubias nana, some amazonian swords. My filter is a 130gph fountain pump, in a filter box containining: 30 Bio-Balls, 36 oz. of clay Bio-Rings, a mesh media bag full of batting directly around the pump, a bag of used aquarium filter media, plus... the usual foam pads - a coarse and fine. The filter return is normally a tiny waterfall that I built myself with rocks and silicone, but since it currently has a slow leak I'm in the process of finding, the filter/pump is running a waterbell.
The fun part? It's been up and running SINCE EARLY APRIL, and still has not cycled! I was orignially fish-IN cycling with feeder goldfish, until I realized I was over a month in, yet still waiting,, and changing water and waiting some more, and changing more water... In that time I had also added 2 - 32. oz bottles of Fritz-Zyme 7 (beneficial bacteria recommended by the aquarium store guy) 2 weeks apart. When I was still fighting ammonia in early May, and was starting to fight a rising nitrite level as well, he even offered up a large bag of used filter media - I added it to my filter. My nitrites dropped, but I still had ammonia.
May 22nd is when I took the remaining feeder goldfish out and started fishless cycling. These were my readings on May 23rd:
PH: 7.6 (this is the usual)
KH: 120 (this is also the usual)
GH: 75 (again... usual)
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: between 0 & 5, guessing 3-ish.
Ammonia: just over 4ppm.
May 25th... a green water algae bloom started.
The last week of may I had GREEN water and apparently something rotting in the pond because it was making it's own ammonia. I looked and looked for it, did water changes, never found it... Ammonia ended up around 8. Did a super water change to get it back down to between 4-5, where it stayed for a couple days before sloooooowly starting to drop again.
I had a vaca planned from June 4th - 11th and figured since I had a problem with somethin in my pond making ammonia for me, it was easier to just let it do it's thing for a week than to teach my 19 yr old son to test/add ammonia/top off, never mind the fact that it looked like a bucket of pea soup anyway.
SO, flash forward to NOW: Came back from vacation to 0.25 to 0.5 ammonia, 0.25 nitrites, and 20 or so nitrates. Was SUPER GREEN. Gave it one heck of a cleaning/90% water change, added more filter media (didn't remove any), and started back in with the ammonia dosing to get this dang thing cycled! Nitrates and nitrites both started rising again slowly. The green water algae started to clear/die back this past weekend somehow which pushed the nitrates to 80, so Saturday (the 11th) I did a massive wc and put an old cotton Tshirt over the filter intake to "catch" what was left of the algae. I finally have crystal clear water again! Also added twice as many plants. After the algae clean up, nitrates were back down to 10-ish, nitrites 2-ish, and I made sure the Ammonia was again around 5. Today, 2 days later... I'm at ammonia 2, nitrates are over 5 (the purple is almost fuchsia!), and 30ish nitrites. The usuals listed above under May 23rd are still the usuals for the other readings.
I keep waiting for the magical day that I'll wake to find no nitrates, and then maybe even no ammonia as well, but am starting to believe it's always just going to be a water garden... never a bride... er... actual fish-containing pond.
Any ideas on why it hasn't cycled yet?! It was supposed to be my happy place... but as it stands now... I sit in the kitchen to watch my fish, and then outside to watch my pond.
Thanks in advance for any insight, advice, suggestions, guesses, hypotheses, thoughts, brain farts, etc...
Since being bitten by the pond bug, I've been plucking around on various online forums here and there, and although I've "met" a few very nice/informative people, I haven't really found a place that feels like I'm getting the best "pond" advice. That might've been because the forums I've been perusing were either aquarium forums, or garden forums that happen to have a pond section as an afterthought, but either way... I'm hoping that I end up with better a better grasp on ponding here. :biggrin:
So... my setup/story: Last year I decided that I needed a small Japanese-esque garden with a tiny "koi" pond as my centerpiece/new happy place. Knowing the amount of space I'd have to work with (NONE, lol), I knew that I wouldn't end up with an ACTUAL koi-size pond, so I settled on the idea of a tiny pond that I could put goldfish into instead. After researching the sizes and shapes of the pre-formed pond, I quickly realized that I couldn't find a size/shape/gallon that I'd be happy with, and since this was a new endeavor, I wasn't *completely* secure in my ability to dig and line a tiny pond, so I just made it all up as I went along, which is how I ended up with the following:
36" diameter, 18" deep, 64g Tuff Stuff tub. The inside (sides, not bottom) & top rim are covered w/ Rock-on-a-Roll, so that it wouldn't look like a black plastic tub in a hole. The bottom is covered with natural river rocks & flat glass pebbles. It's almost right up against the house (walk-out ranch), under a deck. It gets a couple hours of sunlight in the morning, and a couple more hours from the other direction late in the afternoon. Lightly planted with submergibles I've obtained from aquarium stores (since they're more plentiful in my immediate area than the closest pond store), such as wisteria, creeping jenny, anubias nana, some amazonian swords. My filter is a 130gph fountain pump, in a filter box containining: 30 Bio-Balls, 36 oz. of clay Bio-Rings, a mesh media bag full of batting directly around the pump, a bag of used aquarium filter media, plus... the usual foam pads - a coarse and fine. The filter return is normally a tiny waterfall that I built myself with rocks and silicone, but since it currently has a slow leak I'm in the process of finding, the filter/pump is running a waterbell.
The fun part? It's been up and running SINCE EARLY APRIL, and still has not cycled! I was orignially fish-IN cycling with feeder goldfish, until I realized I was over a month in, yet still waiting,, and changing water and waiting some more, and changing more water... In that time I had also added 2 - 32. oz bottles of Fritz-Zyme 7 (beneficial bacteria recommended by the aquarium store guy) 2 weeks apart. When I was still fighting ammonia in early May, and was starting to fight a rising nitrite level as well, he even offered up a large bag of used filter media - I added it to my filter. My nitrites dropped, but I still had ammonia.
May 22nd is when I took the remaining feeder goldfish out and started fishless cycling. These were my readings on May 23rd:
PH: 7.6 (this is the usual)
KH: 120 (this is also the usual)
GH: 75 (again... usual)
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: between 0 & 5, guessing 3-ish.
Ammonia: just over 4ppm.
May 25th... a green water algae bloom started.
The last week of may I had GREEN water and apparently something rotting in the pond because it was making it's own ammonia. I looked and looked for it, did water changes, never found it... Ammonia ended up around 8. Did a super water change to get it back down to between 4-5, where it stayed for a couple days before sloooooowly starting to drop again.
I had a vaca planned from June 4th - 11th and figured since I had a problem with somethin in my pond making ammonia for me, it was easier to just let it do it's thing for a week than to teach my 19 yr old son to test/add ammonia/top off, never mind the fact that it looked like a bucket of pea soup anyway.
SO, flash forward to NOW: Came back from vacation to 0.25 to 0.5 ammonia, 0.25 nitrites, and 20 or so nitrates. Was SUPER GREEN. Gave it one heck of a cleaning/90% water change, added more filter media (didn't remove any), and started back in with the ammonia dosing to get this dang thing cycled! Nitrates and nitrites both started rising again slowly. The green water algae started to clear/die back this past weekend somehow which pushed the nitrates to 80, so Saturday (the 11th) I did a massive wc and put an old cotton Tshirt over the filter intake to "catch" what was left of the algae. I finally have crystal clear water again! Also added twice as many plants. After the algae clean up, nitrates were back down to 10-ish, nitrites 2-ish, and I made sure the Ammonia was again around 5. Today, 2 days later... I'm at ammonia 2, nitrates are over 5 (the purple is almost fuchsia!), and 30ish nitrites. The usuals listed above under May 23rd are still the usuals for the other readings.
I keep waiting for the magical day that I'll wake to find no nitrates, and then maybe even no ammonia as well, but am starting to believe it's always just going to be a water garden... never a bride... er... actual fish-containing pond.
Any ideas on why it hasn't cycled yet?! It was supposed to be my happy place... but as it stands now... I sit in the kitchen to watch my fish, and then outside to watch my pond.
Thanks in advance for any insight, advice, suggestions, guesses, hypotheses, thoughts, brain farts, etc...