Well I feel since i built the pond, made a attractive feeding station, it is unfair to the critters it attracts to kill them. We could easily, have good shooting instruments, usually hit the bulls eye, but I would rather learn about the bird(s). Even if we killed the two that have show up, more will come. The monacacy river has a good population, the river is maybe 5 miles from us.
I have noticed in the last few visits the alligator really kept the birds attention. The heron that went over the fence did not see the gator, it had drifted over by the waterfall, hidden by plants. I move it so it was more in the center of the pond but a long enough line to drift around. I have it tied with fishing line to a rock, with the slightest breeze it moves around. The heron that jumped the fence came the next day during that visit the alligator spun in the wind turned nose first to the bird. At that point the heron backed up and started grooming, sort of like...........not scared not scared not scared lol, but then it left the pond and went up the stream.
Only time will tell if we really win. I did put a couple rows of netting over the top, the anti deer fencing, black poly stuff. light weight, but stiff enough it would stay up off the water. We are gone too long to take a chance with the heron, even though my pond is deep I am sure it would get some. Probably the big ones. When we get back in town, I will be pulling down the netting and keep testing the herons ability to attack. With the cameras we can do a search and see if any come by, and jw will sure let me know if she see's one come around.
They can come and eat all the bugs they want, we have an abundance right now, as we cool and finally got some rain.
........Can't get the fish, might as well groom myself.