My first QT was only 150 gallons, this is ok for small fish but the big ones need a bigger one.Without a cycled bio-filter you will need to do more frequent water changes, perhaps daily. An air pump w/ a stone would also be a good investment, but not required unless water temps are above 75 degrees. Test the water frequently. Ideally there will be 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites and low nitrates. If your tests show any ammonia, do a partial water change. It might be necessary to add some type of ammonia binder like Amquel or Chloram-X.
The QT should have NO Salt level in the water prior to adding the new fish IF you are going to treat them with ProForm-C. Do not feed the new fish for the first two or three days.
The day the koi arrive float the bag in the qt for 1/2 hour, this is so they can adjust to temp changes. make sure you have a net or cover for the jumpers.
The QT should have NO Salt level in the water prior to adding the new fish IF you are going to treat them with ProForm-C.
Day 2 treat the water with ProForm-C per instructions for the 3 days. Do water changes per the ProForm-C instructions.
After 24 hours from last treating with ProForm-C, add salt to bring the salt level in the water to 0.1%. 1lb. of salt per 100 gal. of water = 0.1% level in water.
Next day, increase the salt level to 0.2%.
Day 4 of salting, increase the salt level to 0.3%. This salt level eliminates 7 of the 9 possible bad parasites very quickly. And it will not harm your filtering system.
After the proform-C I treat them with Praziquantel.
It's very important that two treatments of Praziquantel are done about 4 to 7 days apart - whatever the package directions say. This kills the babies that are born after the adults are killed. The salt has no effect on Praziquantel.
Them I leave them in the qt for 3 weeks