This is the accepted temperature for heat ramping koi to bring out the CyHV3 virus in koi note they go in at the temperature of 15c and are artificially raised to past your temperature range then down again to 15c etc.:-
Koipolloi are signed up to the fight against CyHV3 entering the UK but honestly we are lucky to see 16c in our ponds normally during the summer months .
Even at our clubs show in Mid to late July the water temperature of the show Vats are only normally 16c , we pay particular attention to matching these temperatures and allow 30 mins for the temperatures of the water in the bags to match that of the show vats
Just so we dont loose slick in this Meyer homeostasis is the ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes.
Meyer if you recall weve talked before about Carp and regional variations in temperature and how they adapt to them and why they have taken over much of he globes bodies of water and succeeed when introduced ?
Talking of enviroment Meyer I take it your native to Florida my friend yes ?
I remember as a young sailor enjoying an afternoons surf canoeing off of the beach at the Naval Air station Mayport Florida where the temperature was that of winter.
A Floridian thinking we were totally crazy doing came across to talk , in his veiw it was winter , the temperature was in the mid 60's F when we told him back then that the mid 60's f upwards was a British summer back then (before global warming started to ratchet up temperatures) he walked away saying you guys shaking his head laughing still convinced we Limey's were crazy..
A few weeks later and it was in the 80's f