New but a quick learner


A Ponder-ing Newbie
Jun 11, 2009
Reaction score
Northwest VA

Plants can carry diseases that other plants can get... and also ones fish can get. They can have parasites as well.

Potassium Permanganate is the standard dip used.

Water lotus appear to need one heck of a lot of fertilization. Fertilizer = nitrogen... nitrogen = nitrates... nitrates = algae. It also can throw your ballance off for koi water parameters. So... unless someone would like to tell me that they have gorgeous lotus with no fertilization required... I will stay on the side of caution.


A Ponder-ing Newbie
Jun 11, 2009
Reaction score
Northwest VA
Ok...just got back from BFE (the new house. Koi Cottage? LOL). Scrap wanting parrot feather! I have more than enough. More than I want. More than I probably need. LOL

And nix the water celery too I think. I think that is what I was pulling out by the handful from all over the place.

I will save the money I would of used on them... and get a good "What the hell is this freaking water/bog plant?" book. LOL

Koi are funny creatures. They are still wary of us, even with liberal sprinklings of cracker crumbs. They do however get great joy of sticking their heads half out of the water to laugh at me as I try to perch on slippery algae covered stones to trim bushes at the top of the waterfall. They especially like the squeeky noise I make as I beat large amounts of biting ants off of me while falling on my ass in the streambed. Yeah... they are SOOOOO helpful. I could just imagine them doing the "Go ahead... jump! Don't worry... we will catch you!" mantra.

I look like a lobster and am sore all over... but can now tell that there are indeed 2 decent waterfalls! BTW: waterfalls work MUCH better when the streambeds leading to them are not impeded with gunk, debris, and branches that make the water divert to the outlying ground! Who woulda thunk it! LOL

We took a good half wheelbarrow of algae, rotted pinecones, and leaf decay from the bottom of the top pool. Smelled GREAT. NOT! The water of course is all crappy again now (I did backflush the filter until the water no longer resembled greenish tea and topped off the pond as a partial water change before I left) but it should help in the long run. Doing so, we displaced, then returned, 5 salamanders, 3 tadpoles, and something else that was very slimy and fast!

4 wheelbarrows of plant trimmings were removed as well. I shaped the trees. We now have trees that no longer look like bushes... and bushes that are no longer trees! LOL

Note: Creeping spruce is a great ground cover. It is low growing, dense, virtually weed-free, and a nice bluish green color.
Addendem to note: Creeping spruce is a favorite nesting spot for ants, prickly, has hard to cut branches, and causes you to itch.
Addendem to addendum: Scratching yer butt for an hour after sitting on creeping spruce covered rocks while you try to trim a rainforest of overgrown plants makes people at the gas station look at you funny.

More FYI:
Bees like salvia. Bees take it personally when you keep cutting the flowers they are actually on. Bumblebees are like F-16 piolets. When annoyed...they may not bomb yer ass... but they WILL buzz the tower to the point of distraction!

I desperately need food. More later if you all are not bored yet. Just tell me to shut up when you get sick of my rambling!
Jun 17, 2009
Reaction score

Well I don't know about anyone else, but I would definitely like to hear more.
That's hilarious!

I was going to ask what one of those ground covers was in one of the photos above, but since it looked 'blue-pine-tree-esque,' I have a feeling you just answered that question for me. It's gorgeous.

(off to Google Image search and see if I'm right, then off to wherever I can find to get some of it for my very own....)


(and I bet the landlord is SO happy you moved in...)


A Ponder-ing Newbie
Jun 11, 2009
Reaction score
Northwest VA
The spuce is Creeping Blue Spruce

Picea pungens 'Glauca Prostrata'

Hope that helps. If you DO get it, and I really would recommend it in the long run, just make sure you give it a haircut each year to leave room for any other plants you do not wish to be choked out! Mine has gone a good 4 years with no trimming!

It spreads nicely... and is what i would call "mildly invasive". Meaning, it is quite controlable (unlike something like mint! LOL) but not to be completely ignored!

If you leave pockets for day lilies and irises... you will have year round color with almost no work or weeding!

I like my lace maples!!!!

I will really have to get better pics. Pray for me to have an overcast day tomorrow! Yes... we are heading out again.

I suppose I should post the blog for yesterdays activities so you can all have a good chuckle at my expense again. LOL


A Ponder-ing Newbie
Jun 11, 2009
Reaction score
Northwest VA
Video time!

(Excuse the blue baskets of quilt batting.I am trying to get the water clearer. Fish were eating wild strawberries! Near the end, you can see my hand for some scale reference. It is about 18 inches above the water.)


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