There will always be things that the gov't chooses not to tell us for whatever reasons, and sometimes (rare these days it seems), it may be for legit reasons, and I can accept that. It is the mounting NON legit reasons that I take EXTREME offense to.
I promised myself that I wouldnt get too much into politics on chat boards, as I use them for my hobbies, and really dont want to see a LOT of politics here, but on the voting issue, I have to say something.
In 2008, I could NOT vote for Obama. I was raised Republican, and do share a lot of the OLD SCHOOL Repulican beliefs (my 21 year old son tells me I am more of a liberal conservative, whatever that means LOL), so it would be rare for me to vote Democrat anyways, but I like to keep MY RIGHT TO CHOOSE whoever I believe to be the best candidate open, regardless of party lines. The NUMBER ONE reason I could not vote for Obama was I didnt believe his background/life experiences, would put him into a position to do a good job for our country. I hated the concept of McCain. Before Mccain was the official GOP candidate, I looked at everyone, and could not find anyone I actually liked, so it became a process of elimination. I voted McCain AS THE LESSOR EVIL.
When Obama won the election, I accepted the win, and have repeatedly tried to give him the benefit of doubt. Like it or not, he became our president, and deserved the respect the president of our country was due. IN MY OPINION, regardless of what he inherited for a mess, he has done an even WORSE job than I thought he would.
Now, being from MA... Residents of our state have a lot of hands on feelings about Romney, and not all of them good, but he DID do SOME good things for this state, and while LIMITED, he did do MORE GOOD than HARM. I cant say that for Obama. MY vote will go to Romney, which of course could be considered a wasted vote, since MA almost always goes DEMOCRAT. Should I feel that my vote is not being counted? NO WAY IN HELL, because more and more people ARE VOTING, and SOMEDAY, this state will go more red. The Kennedy Reign of Power is OVER.
If you LIKE Obama, vote as in your right, FOR OBAMA.
If you LIKE Romney, vote as in your right, FOR ROMNEY.
If you DO NOT VOTE, you ARE ACCEPTING THINGS THE WAY THEY ARE, and DISPLAY your desire to continue on the road you are on. THJAT IS A VOTE FOR THE CURRENT PRESIDENT.
I shudder to think of my children EVER refusing to vote, because they dont like the choices or their vote wont count! They have been raised to be independant, hard working members of society, as I wish for every other child. Life is not fair, but it IS what YOU make of it. Our system is far from perfect, but it is that spark of independence that we all NEED to maintain our great nation. So many people have freely given their lives to defend YOUR RIGHTS, and the fact that so many are so DEFEATED to not even use their voice is so heart breaking, I cant even put it to words.
Again, if one LIKES OBAMA, and you think he has done a good job, VOTE FOR HIM. IF you feel Romney is the better option (or lessor evil), vote for him, but get out of your place of conpliancy or self pity and VOTE, or at least show RESPECT for those who have DIED for you to have your rights, and pick someone.
Sorry for the long vent/rant... it really isnt directed at any one person. I am so sick of people saying they are not going to vote because they dont like either candidate or the system. WE THE PEOPLE used to mean something, and really frustrated with the ongoing disrespect. NO ONE can make changes just sitting home playing on their compluters. A united voice is more powerful than the greatest of weapons of mass distruction!