I went out to the Wood River Wetlands this morning to see what was new and to practice photos of birds in flight. That's a hard thing to get right! Anyhow, I had the camera settings set to do that, somewhat different than my normal shooting settings. Taking a short break, I looked to the west on the long straight ex-dike, with Agency Lake to the south, and saw 2 loose dogs running towards me on the other side of the 1 lane road. Wait a minute, them critters ain't dogs, they's gen-u-ine coyotees!
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They were really flying, with the afterburners kicked in, another was 30 feet or so behind them. I tried to get some shots, but it left no time for thinking about it or changing settings, so most didn't come out real well. They passed me within 12 or 15 feet and continued east for 1/4 mile, fiddled around there for a bit, then zoomed back past me again, headed west at full speed. I did manage to get a few good photos and it was a very fun experience! I've been within 20 or 30 feet of a few coyotes, but never this close, even if it was only for a fraction of a second.
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