I wish I could get photos of what I'm lucky enough to witness at night at about 11.30-12 if I stay up. I live in a sleepy village set in woodland and at this time of year there is usually a dreadful, dreadful shrieking at night. I always assumed it's young badgers or fox cubs, but finally went out to investigate in my fetching dressing gown on Sunday night and found the noise came from the trees, not the ground. And there were 2 young baby owls just fledged, sitting side by side on a branch, screeching away, I assume for mom or dad. Went again last night, they're amazingly dismissive of a human looking at them, they really just sit there and yell and yell at you, bobbing side to side and up and down. Phenomenal once in a lifetime thing. No real way to get a pic, not enough light... sadly