lol I'm hoping the feathers wont get clogged in the filter then
I take it that the shells wont be harmful to the water if the water already have high Ph, it'll jus help maintain for it to not go down to around 7, is that correct?
I now think that my strips gave me the faults reading from the begining and my water was not that of 5.5-6 - could be low but not that low. Then I just realized after reading some more that having untreated concrete in the water will also rasied Ph, which I didnt know and I do have a concrete block and bricks (probably half concrete block and 2 bricks) in the water, also the water touch some of the motar too (tried to breaks the ones that touch the water yesterday but the rain riased the water level to touch it again. Or the other option is to take out all that by rebuild the waterfall....that's going to be a pain...
I will need to learn how to decrease the Ph level just incase