My pond runs all winter, zone 2/3

Jul 29, 2018
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Exact center of Canada
Hardiness Zone
And Thank God for everything! Even my ponds are flowing so well despite the cold weather last week of minus 17 at nights. Just covering the ponds has greatly protected the ponds from freezing and I have not even used the 1500 watt heater yet!! Without any cover the ponds would have had ice for sure and I would have had to use a heater...
Must be warm there mine is covered and ice about 10 inches thick.


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
Must be warm there mine is covered and ice about 10 inches thick.
It was very cold last week, minus 17 Celsius and my ponds would have normally had ice but I now cover them with a Cattle Panel cold frames and of course the water runs all year round so that also keeps ice down.
Today was just above freezing. No ice this year as cattle panel coldframes and running water helps.


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
Hopefully, you are pulling our legs Colleen and don't seriously believe all that.
Yes I do seriously believe the earth is flat and millions around the world now believe earth is flat. There is seriously strong evidence to support the flat earth and the evidence presented by NASA and the likes, is built upon lies and distorted facts. There is a reason why so many Flat earth conferences are popping up EVERYWHERE. Billions around the world are actively discussing Flat earth. Facebook has many of Flat earth groups with hundreds of thousands of followers. You will have to investigate the flat earth for yourself and discover the truth. Please no silly comments, research first before you comment... and only serious questions.


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
lol, are you playing the "it's cold here" card?
(not to be confused with the "race card")
Mitch I have basicly the same temperatures as you, we both get warm and equally cold spells. Just look at Medicine Hat Weather forecast and compare.. I see I am a lirtle warmer here this week in Medicine Hat... Will have to keep track and compare
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
Water Valley, Alberta
Hardiness Zone
Mitch I have basicly the same temperatures as you, we both get warm and equally cold spells. Just look at Medicine Hat Weather forecast and compare.. I see I am a lirtle warmer here this week in Medicine Hat... Will have to keep track and compare
Sorry Colleen, that post was meant for Jack b nimble.
Just joking with him.
Oct 27, 2011
Reaction score
BC Canada
Please no silly comments, research first before you comment... and only serious questions.
Astronomy has always been a personal hobby of mine since I was old enough to read, so you could say I have been researching this subject all my life.
I have heard there are people out there who think the Earth is flat, but there are a lot of people who believe a lot of crazy things especially in the third world countries where they lack education and are surrounded by superstition, but unlike most intangible superstitions and believes it's incredibly easy to prove that the Earth is not flat. Conversely, it should be incredibly easy to prove that it is flat if it really is. Simply arrange some tour ships to sail out to the edge of the Earth and let people see it for themselves. I know I have flown around the world a few times and I've never spotted the edge of the Earth out the window.
Strange that people have been all over the planet and filmed and photographs some incredibly interesting places but somehow the edge of the planet where it drops off into "space" doesn't seem to be of interest to photographers. :rolleyes:Somebody should inform David Attenborough of this place, it can't be hard to find you should be able to go in any direction and eventually find it.
Here is a simple question you should know >>>> how far exactly is the closest edge of the Earth from Medicine Hat and in what direction? Seems like it would be a great place to hold a Flat Earth Conference to convince those few remaining skeptics who may be on the edge. (pun intended) ;)
You see I can give you real and tangible answers of distances of one place to another anywhere on a globe-shaped Earth, but when you deal with a flat Earth those kinds of questions can get very tricky. o_O
Jul 29, 2018
Reaction score
Exact center of Canada
Hardiness Zone
Astronomy has always been a personal hobby of mine since I was old enough to read, so you could say I have been researching this subject all my life.
I have heard there are people out there who think the Earth is flat, but there are a lot of people who believe a lot of crazy things especially in the third world countries where they lack education and are surrounded by superstition, but unlike most intangible superstitions and believes it's incredibly easy to prove that the Earth is not flat. Conversely, it should be incredibly easy to prove that it is flat if it really is. Simply arrange some tour ships to sail out to the edge of the Earth and let people see it for themselves. I know I have flown around the world a few times and I've never spotted the edge of the Earth out the window.
Strange that people have been all over the planet and filmed and photographs some incredibly interesting places but somehow the edge of the planet where it drops off into "space" doesn't seem to be of interest to photographers. :rolleyes:Somebody should inform David Attenborough of this place, it can't be hard to find you should be able to go in any direction and eventually find it.
Here is a simple question you should know >>>> how far exactly is the closest edge of the Earth from Medicine Hat and in what direction? Seems like it would be a great place to hold a Flat Earth Conference to convince those few remaining skeptics who may be on the edge. (pun intended) ;)
You see I can give you real and tangible answers of distances of one place to another anywhere on a globe-shaped Earth, but when you deal with a flat Earth those kinds of questions can get very tricky. o_O
My daughter believes in Santa Claus ! I'm not making assumptions but, we recently legalized marajuana in our country and seems most of them are living on the edge.


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
Astronomy has always been a personal hobby of mine since I was old enough to read, so you could say I have been researching this subject all my life.
I have heard there are people out there who think the Earth is flat, but there are a lot of people who believe a lot of crazy things especially in the third world countries where they lack education and are surrounded by superstition, but unlike most intangible superstitions and believes it's incredibly easy to prove that the Earth is not flat. Conversely, it should be incredibly easy to prove that it is flat if it really is. Simply arrange some tour ships to sail out to the edge of the Earth and let people see it for themselves. I know I have flown around the world a few times and I've never spotted the edge of the Earth out the window.
Strange that people have been all over the planet and filmed and photographs some incredibly interesting places but somehow the edge of the planet where it drops off into "space" doesn't seem to be of interest to photographers. :rolleyes:Somebody should inform David Attenborough of this place, it can't be hard to find you should be able to go in any direction and eventually find it.
Here is a simple question you should know >>>> how far exactly is the closest edge of the Earth from Medicine Hat and in what direction? Seems like it would be a great place to hold a Flat Earth Conference to convince those few remaining skeptics who may be on the edge. (pun intended) ;)
You see I can give you real and tangible answers of distances of one place to another anywhere on a globe-shaped Earth, but when you deal with a flat Earth those kinds of questions can get very tricky. o_O
I told you to research it first before you ask questions. Its all explained and if you looked into it your questions would all be answered... First if we were a ball, spinning thew space at millions of miles per hour, we would see different constellations every night and the star Polaris has NEVER moved!!!

No the questions are all very simple and if you actually looked into it you would discover why 1 in 3 younger generation people now KNOW the earth is flat. First off modern technology is blowing the globe away and if the globe is round, there is a formula for the Earth's curvature... And new P1000 camera's and Infrared Cameras can see for hundreds of impossible miles on a curved earth.... Impossible according to the earths curvature formula., and pull that ship back into view..
Last edited:


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
Astronomy has always been a personal hobby of mine since I was old enough to read, so you could say I have been researching this subject all my life.
I have heard there are people out there who think the Earth is flat, but there are a lot of people who believe a lot of crazy things especially in the third world countries where they lack education and are surrounded by superstition, but unlike most intangible superstitions and believes it's incredibly easy to prove that the Earth is not flat. Conversely, it should be incredibly easy to prove that it is flat if it really is. Simply arrange some tour ships to sail out to the edge of the Earth and let people see it for themselves. I know I have flown around the world a few times and I've never spotted the edge of the Earth out the window.
Strange that people have been all over the planet and filmed and photographs some incredibly interesting places but somehow the edge of the planet where it drops off into "space" doesn't seem to be of interest to photographers. :rolleyes:Somebody should inform David Attenborough of this place, it can't be hard to find you should be able to go in any direction and eventually find it.
Here is a simple question you should know >>>> how far exactly is the closest edge of the Earth from Medicine Hat and in what direction? Seems like it would be a great place to hold a Flat Earth Conference to convince those few remaining skeptics who may be on the edge. (pun intended) ;)
You see I can give you real and tangible answers of distances of one place to another anywhere on a globe-shaped Earth, but when you deal with a flat Earth those kinds of questions can get very tricky. o_O
And nobody is allowed to go to the edge of the planet... It is a giant ice wall called "Antarctic, and in 1959 a tready was signed making it off limits to everybody except the goverment.... You really should look into it and educate yourself. And all the pictures of the earth from space are NOT pictures, they cannot legally call them pictures because they are not real, they are called "images" and they are all proven FAKED and NASA admits it.


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
I do not watch TV.... My TV has internet and I am always on UTube learning something new. I love ro learn and must know everything. My mind is always eager to learn. Thats why I knew Donald Trump would win from day one, everybody laughed at me back then too... But I was smart enough to know the news was faked as the comments online did not match what the news was saying... How Killary would win... Ha ha ha...what a joke the news has become.

That's why I am fixing my mother. She no longer has dementia, after only 3 weeks of CBD oil with a littke bit of THC to wake the mind, and knows everything again. Medical Marijuana is fixing her brain and she looks suddenly 10 years younger!!! And the news tried to say smoking pot was bad and lead to bad drugs... Well guess what.. That old commercial with the frying egg... "This is your brain on drugs' FAKE News as that is your brain WITHOUT marijuana as it ages!!! They knew years ago marijuana cured dementia, Parkinson's and other brain problems and hid it from us as our loved ones sufferered and died needlessly!!!! When will the population wake up. Recent Studies at the most prestigious universities are proving that people who smoked marijuana are NOT getting dementia and other age related brain problems like those who NEVER smoked pot back in the 60's and 70's...

Look at my beautiful mom as she rests... Her swollen neck and tummy are now almost gone!!! I swear its fixing EVERYTHING!
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mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
Yesterday I had the most beautiful dream of my sweet mother. It calmed and soothed me and my nerves. I was so worried about my mother for months, and stressed out so bad to watch my mom get sicker and weaker and lose her mind. My mother never drank or smoked and tried to eat what "they said" was heathy.... She was the most perfect mother anybody could ever dream of having... I am so lucky to live where Medical Marijuana is now legal and witness first hand the miracles of cannabis... And some uniformed medical staff tried to give me a hard time!!! Going to start her on coconut oil too! My mom is going to get better and better and I am working on fixing her heart. I am getting beef fat for that! English Journal of Medicine says beef fat the very best for the heart as it contains large amounts of seric acid. And they used to say beef fat was so bad! More FAKE news.... Made her meatloaf with regular hamburger. I only eat regular ground beef as it has more healthy FAT!
And it does NOT get any better than THE ENGLISH JOURNAL of Medicine!!!
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
Water Valley, Alberta
Hardiness Zone
Colleen, regarding what you see on the internet -
Do you remember the Dire Straits song "Industrial Disease"?
There's a line in the song, "Two men say they're they're Jesus, one of them must be wrong".

On the internet, how do you determine who is telling the truth and who is not?
This is about flat earth, not marijuana.

It's great to see your mom benefiting from the CBD oil.


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