Astronomy has always been a personal hobby of mine since I was old enough to read, so you could say I have been researching this subject all my life.
I have heard there are people out there who think the Earth is flat, but there are a lot of people who believe a lot of crazy things especially in the third world countries where they lack education and are surrounded by superstition, but unlike most intangible superstitions and believes it's incredibly easy to prove that the Earth is not flat. Conversely, it should be incredibly easy to prove that it is flat if it really is. Simply arrange some tour ships to sail out to the edge of the Earth and let people see it for themselves. I know I have flown around the world a few times and I've never spotted the edge of the Earth out the window.
Strange that people have been all over the planet and filmed and photographs some incredibly interesting places but somehow the edge of the planet where it drops off into "space" doesn't seem to be of interest to photographers.

Somebody should inform David Attenborough of this place, it can't be hard to find you should be able to go in any direction and eventually find it.
Here is a simple question you should know >>>> how far exactly is the closest edge of the Earth from Medicine Hat and in what direction? Seems like it would be a great place to hold a Flat Earth Conference to convince those few remaining skeptics who may be on the edge.
(pun intended) 
You see I can give you real and tangible answers of distances of one place to another anywhere on a globe-shaped Earth, but when you deal with a flat Earth those kinds of questions can get very tricky.