Spaghetti strainer at Dollar general $1 works great! cheap too. LOL I had to get in mine this evening to make a guard to keep the bigger koi out of the skimmer, while I was at it, flushed out under some of the rocks on that end of the pond, didn't look too bad, cut back some of the lily leaves that are turning yellow and a few spent blooms, figured I would cut back some the half eaten parrots feather, pulled on some to cut them back and WHOOPS, my smaller water fall came crashing down, Of course the largest rock in the falls lands on my foot! Pinched between tow LARGE rocks!!! OUCH! Now I have a black and blue little toe! Guess that's better than a hole in the liner! Got the guard put on, and the water looked so cloudy I couldn't see the fish much less the bottom. It's midnight now and just went out and checked the water and it's already crystal clear. My foot is throbbing and I'm here checking the forum and waiting on my dear wife to help me put the protective wire covers back on and I'm calling it a night. Little more clean up and I'm going to try and take a video of the yard tomorrow.