Keith if the new place is 2200 sq feet how big was your old house? I get the downsizing, my wife for awhile has liked the idea of a tiny house because it forces you to minimize & prioritize plus the idea of living debt free without a mortgage. As for me I'd love it if it meant a wooded lot but definitely not before the kids have moved out. It does seem the more space we have the more "stuff" we find to fill it with. Luckily last fall she upgraded our floors to vinyl plank, changed the trim & painted. Now she loves it. Everything is looking great so far! Are you going to manage the rents yourself or use a company to go through the hassle of renting it out for you & collecting rent? My guess is being on the top floor, having neighbors won't bother you unless the tenants expect to share the entire yard space. But having the rents cover your housing expenses is a big plus. After talking to my brother who has a dog & the costs he's had to pay, it's amazing you can definitely spend a lot more to rent than own these days.