My niece had a destination wedding in CA about 3 years ago. All my brothers and sisters went, so it was a great time.
Keith, I think the trick (and this is per Colleen ...) with thawing out your pond earlier is to have water moving against the surface. If I have it figured out correctly, she has 3 levels of ponds, and the bottom pond pumps to the top, and that pond stays full, as it has to overflow to the next pond, thus keeping the moving water against the ice.
In my pond, I keep the stream running 24/7, and it runs under the ice, but the bog, which is partly underground, also runs 24/7, and the water flows out at the top level of the pond, so moving water against the ice. Once the weather warms up a little, it seems to thaw everything out very fast. Koi pond has a pump shooting towards the surface, so it is like a bubbler effect, going only about 3-4" above the surface. That seems to do the trick on that pond. I know my weather is warmer, but think my ponds thawed out quicker the last 2 years than in the two previous years.
Soon your pond will be thawed out and you will be so happy to see your goldfish friends again!!!