Where are you located, ColleenMRowley? That's fun that you have lots of frogs. Have you ever fed them any grasshoppers or crickets or any nuisance bugs? I find it fascinating to toss bugs in, and if the bug makes it back out, they win. If the frog is faster, the frog wins. I try not to be cruel, just like to give nature a "push". LOL Lately, the grasshoppers have been winning.
No baby fish here last year or this year so far, which is fine with me, but it is fun to watch the babies grow up and change colors. My 4 two-year-old koi are about 7" long this year, and getting prettier each year. Always fun to have goldie babies, too, and see the pretty colors that appear.
Now that I have some anarachis and hornwart from you, Keith, I'm hoping that will grow and create more shelter and cover for the fry, and then maybe a few will survive each year. So far the starts are doing well, as are the water hyacinths and lettuce! I put them in a large pot that had some leftover kitty litter in the bottom. I just left that in there, thinking maybe that was what they liked before, and they are doing super so far. No blooms, but beautiful green plants! Thanks again!