I'm wondering if the chlorine was treated properly. For the fish to die what seems like very quickly, maybe they were poisoned by the remaining chlorine.
I'm just guessing, throwing out as many ideas that come to mind and don't mean to insult anyone's intelligence...
When the OP mentions Ph up, it reminds me of the chemicals I use for my pool. I hope they are not using a bunch of pool products. I'm no chemist and I'm guessing all chemicals are same, but pool products may be more concentrated or have other additives that are toxic for fish.
I'm an all natural type of ponder, as many here are, and stay far away from any "additives". I prefer to let nature work things out. I can help nature by making sure all the proper components are present, but I don't add any chemicals or bacteria. The only thing I use is dechlorinizer and when I do, I make sure I'm adding the exact ratio listed on the bottle. I do this with a $20 water meter that attaches to the end of my hose.