Hi all,
We've run the pond for about a 3 week trial run and have decided that we need bigger rocks and a skimmer filter with a separate pump, so next weekend we will drain the pond and begin this final phase of major change. Obviously we will make hundreds of minor changes over the life of the pond, but after this next effort we will be able to fill it and start adding plants and fish.
The skimmer I have in mind will just be a hole with liner and a pump on the bottom. We will run the current pump to the top of the streambed and the new pump in the skimmer will feed the skippy-esque filter which, in turn, will feed the top of the streambed. Our current pump is a Laguna Max-Flo 2900 and puts out about 2,400 GPH at the top. The new pump will be a Laguna Max-Flo 1500 that puts out about 1,300 GPH from where it will be. So I should have a much higher flow through the streambed and over the falls.
This should be fun.