That's a pretty pond you've got there, sissy! At 25 by 30, the weight of a liner would be roughly half of 50 by 50. If that liner is EPDM roofing, it would be around 350 pounds. No question I can move 350 pounds by myself, as you did. And if your liner is other than EPDM roofing, it's likely even lower weight, so that likewise would be no trouble for me.
But 50 by 50 EPDM at something like 700 pounds, nope ... I can't move that solo. Hence my question to marscot, plus the other question on price: I'm looking at a 50 by 50 or larger pond (these are just preliminary figures), and am having a difficult time figuring a liner I can afford. Marscot got his at around $500 but it thus far seems I can't find a 50 by 50 piece of EPDM roofing for anything near that "low" a figure!
I'll look forward to marscot's replies ... I bet he's out in the yard this moment, admiring his excellent work!