
Apr 27, 2012
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New Tecumseth, Ontario. Zone 5b
Hardiness Zone
Zone 5B
Well It ate 2 1/2 leaves today, and I just changed them and cleaned out the container. It ate another half leaf in the last few hours and just now seems to be uninterested in the leaves. It seems to be climbing the wall of the large container I now have it in. Going to keep an eye and see... maybe it's ready to pupate. :) I looked for eggs and caterpillars on the other plants very carefully, but sadly, this is the only one despite the fact that there was another female fluttering around the other day. Going to keep watch. I'll keep you posted Rose. Thanks for your advice. I'm enjoying this.
Jun 20, 2014
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Two and a half leaves wow, .How large are droppings (fras)? If the size of peppercorns its in its last instar. If it is a chubby 2 inches long and at the top of the box and not moving it is ready to pupate. If it is smaller than 2 inches it will be shedding its skin to go to the next instar (term for the stages of worm growth). The tenticles get longer and curvier with successive skin sheds. Shedding process takes about 24 hours, the worm is semi-dormant (gently touch it and it will react) because its insides are being reconfigured, then it sheds, and when his new skin is firmed up it will eat the shedded skin and then go back to the milkweed leaf. Look for the face mask that does not get eaten. That is all that may remain to let you know he shed and ate his skin. has all the info on monarchs, from egg to fly. that is where I learned about them. has some serious info about what does go wrong so we don't blame ourselves. These 2 sites are as good as this forum's.
Yesterday 4 more butterflies emerged and I released 11 in the afternoon. 4 males and 7 females. I found additional eggs and now have 15 so if all goes well I will have raised 39 butterflies and maybe I will spot some more baby worms. I had a concern for one pupa it had a tiny slit in the case where it's legs would be. I looked up deformed pupas and the butterflies emerge with physical problems...butterflyfunfacts has pictures. I was ready to eutenize it if it were deformed because they cant survive. I would have put it in a bag and crushed instant deatht but....if the wings were whole I could use them to repair another butterflies damage wing. So I would put him in the freezer and the death takes a bit longer but would save another butterfly's life.. But prayer works and he emerged normal!

This batch of eggs were laid on the seed pods, tricky to spot. pics with last numbers of 31, 35, 37 this worm is in its last instar and may pupate by Sunday. The leaves have eggs on them and for my watch I put pins a short distance from the eggs on the pods. If one of those pod points are injured they will bleed a little of the milk sap and look like an egg. I need to use a magni glass to see which are eggs a mimic way to throw off predators.

My displayed plaques of membership are on the garage wall and the back yard shed. The first picture are the ones I released yesterday and the last is of the sunny flowerbed that I am re-doing including the edgers so my hubby can not week wack flowers or weeds I plant for keeps,


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Apr 27, 2012
Reaction score
New Tecumseth, Ontario. Zone 5b
Hardiness Zone
Zone 5B
Two and a half leaves wow, .How large are droppings (fras)? If the size of peppercorns its in its last instar. If it is a chubby 2 inches long and at the top of the box and not moving it is ready to pupate. If it is smaller than 2 inches it will be shedding its skin to go to the next instar (term for the stages of worm growth). The tenticles get longer and curvier with successive skin sheds. Shedding process takes about 24 hours, the worm is semi-dormant (gently touch it and it will react) because its insides are being reconfigured, then it sheds, and when his new skin is firmed up it will eat the shedded skin and then go back to the milkweed leaf. Look for the face mask that does not get eaten. That is all that may remain to let you know he shed and ate his skin.

THe droppings are peppercorn sized, and it's a chubby 2 inch long caterpillar now. I saw one of the face masks after the last molting. The container I have it is is a good 12 inches tall at least, and it looked like it was having difficulty climbing the smooth sides of it, so I took a piece of cardboard and bent it into an upside down "u" and it had no trouble climbing that. It's currently on the flat underside of that cardboard, but still hanging on with its legs and little suction cup feet. It's not eating anymore ( as of today ) and just seems to be sitting upside down under that cardboard. Going to keep and eye on it and see if it starts hanging by its bum ;). Will keep you posted Rose. PS TY for the info on Will definitely check that out.
Apr 27, 2012
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New Tecumseth, Ontario. Zone 5b
Hardiness Zone
Zone 5B
hmm.. my milkweed has narrow leaves... dont know if it's the wrong kind for monarch...
I think there are several varieties of milkweed, but from what I understand monarchs like them all. I did a wiki search about milkweed, and it didn't mention broad leaf / narrow leaf varieties, but I've see photos of monarch caterpillars on both types. G/L Nepen :) just keep looking. My caterpillar is the first I've seen on our plants since I've been growing them (several years now). I guess it's just a matter of luck whether they chose your plants or not.
Apr 27, 2012
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New Tecumseth, Ontario. Zone 5b
Hardiness Zone
Zone 5B
Rose, Just out of curiosity, what region are you in?... Great Lakes area? I'm just north of Lake Ontario and South of Georgian Bay ( Lake Huron ).

PS When it emerges as an adult, I'm going to try to see if it's a male or female. (going to look for those pheromone spots on its wings)
Jun 20, 2014
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I'm south of Cleveland, Ohio in Strongsville. My milkweed have broad leaves and pink flowers . I have one Butterfly weed makes orange flowers and skinny leaves. It's small so it might be ignored or missed by the female butterflies. I notice when a female is looking for the milkweed she goes to any plant that has broad leaves. She visual rejects the non milkweeds and flies by. They taste with their feet to verify that it is a milkweed when they found a plant. Two females returned from yesterday and one was laying eggs. Since yesterday I collected 25. I will be busy!

Pugle it is Ok that your catepiller is attaching himself to the cardboard. He must freely hang in the J shape. If he is impeded cut the cardboard around him gently and tape the cardboard to the inside of the lid so he hangs freely. Wait until you see the white silk dot attached to his but and cardboard.before you cut.

Just think that if 2 people on every street grew milkweed how fast the butterflies numbers would grow.


True friends just call me Larkin
Mar 23, 2011
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Hammond LA USA
Hardiness Zone
Funny I saw this thread, Just a few days ago I ran across several caterpillars on our milk weed. I thought they might be Monarch but I wasn't sure. I didn't see any worms today but I didn't look really hard. I did see three cocoons. Hopefully more will make the life cycle
. They are in a fairly safe spot considering I'll let nature take it's course.
Jun 20, 2014
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Pugle - I am trying to upload a few movie clips on How to Hang a Pupa if the worm did not secure himself to the lid. The odds are rare but it happened twice for me. Its taking a long time to upload 625 mb. I cancelled it. My written instructions if it happens to you.
Let the worm pupate on the table or in the box on a paper towel. (Unless this happened before you got home from work) Dont handle it it is very soft. If you find him already pupated and must move him do it very gently push him on a paper towel and lift him in the towel to a work area.
It will twist and turn until the skin ripples off. Have ready, a foot of sewing thread, a stick or pencil, kids non toxic white glue a toothpick and a Qtip.
Put a dab of glue on the toothpick and touch it to the stick let it get tacky. Do not get any glue on the pupa! When the pupa gyrations are slowed tie the string around the stalk that projects from where it's rear end was. The stalk is under 1/4 inch. Let the pupa sit on the table. Have patience stay calm. Bring the stick to the pupa and lay it next to the pupa with the glued area next to the stalk then press the glue spot to the stalk. You might have to hold the stick in place for a while against the stalk. Tie the loose thread around the stick and let sit.
In a few minutes lift the stick a few inches from the surface over something soft, incase he falls, to see if the stalk is secure against the stick. Add a bit more glue to the thread and stalk with the toothpick. You can now suspend the stick to the inside of your box lid by taping it.
I hope you will be able to view the pupation.

Lovely pictures Fishin4cars. Your worms look like they are ready to pupate and moved to find a place. They can travel 25 feet in search of a place to hang.
Apr 27, 2012
Reaction score
New Tecumseth, Ontario. Zone 5b
Hardiness Zone
Zone 5B

Pugle it is Ok that your catepiller is attaching himself to the cardboard. He must freely hang in the J shape. If he is impeded cut the cardboard around him gently and tape the cardboard to the inside of the lid so he hangs freely. Wait until you see the white silk dot attached to his but and cardboard.before you cut.

Just think that if 2 people on every street grew milkweed how fast the butterflies numbers would grow.

It's hanging from the cardboard in the "J" shape. Here's a quick diagram of how I have the cardboard in the container. The caterpillar is hanging from the horizontal fold on top... plenty of room for the chrysalis. So looks like a week to 10 day wait? Love those pics of the "butterfly weed" if that's what it is Fishin4cars, or is that a different variety of milkweed I've never seen before. Love the colour of the flowers . I need to get some for my yard :)

Thanks Rose.

Apr 27, 2012
Reaction score
New Tecumseth, Ontario. Zone 5b
Hardiness Zone
Zone 5B
View attachment 74235

It's hanging from the cardboard in the "J" shape. Here's a quick diagram of how I have the cardboard in the container. The caterpillar is hanging from the horizontal fold on top... plenty of room for the chrysalis.
We have a little blue-green gem :D That happened during the day as I checked in the morning, and it was still a caterpillar. We got home around midnight last night and I checked again and it was fully transformed into a chrysalis. THhey sure work quickly!
Jun 20, 2014
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Pugle I think your worm has a good set up. Its more like a 3 week wait. Do a daily check on the pupa Note the light green shape and you can see the outline of wings and legs. There will be subtle dark areas in two weeks. THe day before the emergence your pupa will have a dark green color. When you check again in 8 hours it will be black. The last 24 hour the pigmentation developes, I hope you will be able to view the emergence. There are minute circular bands at the top where the stalk is. You can see them now they are evenly spaced. Within 2 hours of emergence these bands will widen and the pupa will hang at a slight angle. You may hear a soft crackling that is the pupa skin separating, If you are viewing from this point on do not bump/ shake the box. If the butterfly cannot cling to his pupa skin and falls his wings will not unfold properly and he will not survive. They seem to emerge mornings and afternoons. Do not be alarmed if you find a rusty drop of fluid this is the built up waste as a pupa and that is his first poop. :oops: Keep the lid on the box otherwise after his wings harden about an hour you find him loose in your house. :)

Who other than whacko me keeps bugs in the house....??? :ROFLMAO:
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Apr 27, 2012
Reaction score
New Tecumseth, Ontario. Zone 5b
Hardiness Zone
Zone 5B
LOL... Apparently I do! Ok.. 3 weeks... I was misinformed. Thanks for that Rose, and no worries. I'm treating this little guy / gal like a Faberge egg. Can't wat to see it emerge, and I hope I'm home to see it happen :)
Jun 20, 2014
Reaction score
I gave my sister in law a worm and it pupated and then she took it to work when it was black. Her and a few co workers watched it emerge. If you have a desk job depending on your commute maybe you could sneak it in to watch. Since it is hanging from cardboard a shoe box would be small enuff and room enuff for it to hang. tape the cardboard to the inside of the .6" x 6" side and stand it up lengthwise. Slip the box into a nylon without the lid. Place the lid on over the nylon. You can observe the emergence and the butterfly will have something soft to rest on when it moves away from the cardboard. After it emergers put the box under your desk... just a thought.

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